The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


John, N. was in communication when 120 miles east at 5.50 A. M. Xo Mariners. Baltimore Harbor Entrance Cut-OfT Channel Entrance Buoy No.

3, a second-class can, and Cut-Off Channel Bnoy No. 15. a first-class can, each, reported in a sinking condition February 1, were replaced February 2. Hamrton Roads, Virginia About March 1, 1910, the following changes will be made in the buoyage of Newport News Middle Ground Thirty-Foot Channel: Newport News Middle Ground Thirty-Foot Channel Gas Buoy No. 2, a red conical buoy, surmounted by a square by a square pyramidal lattice-work frame supporting a lens-lantern and showing a fixed red light during periods of five seconds, separated by eclipses of five seconds' duration, about 12 feet above the water, will be established In 30 feet of water in Dlace of Newnort News Middle k'" MM-' A.

MISS CONSTANCE E0YT I ITT Washington, Feb. 3. Miss Constance Hoyt, of Washington, a debutante of last season, is to marry Into the diplomatic set. She has announced her engagement to Ferdinand von Stumm, an attache of the German Legation. If Herr von Stumm is promoted in the usual way, Miss Hoyt may some day be at the head of the German Embassy in Washington.

Baron Sternberg was made Ambassador to the United HEWS OF THE SBIPPIHG New Buoys Between York Spit And Newport MINEFIELD MEETS COAST GALE 7 British Steamer Conexden Arrives j'. To Load Ralls At Canton For Gnaymas, Recognizing the importance of the new through the Newport 'News Middle Ground 30-foot channel, between York -Jpit and Newport News, the Lighthouse -oara nas oraerea the Installation of four buoys to mark the course of the new Tghannel, taking the place of the buoys that lave marked it since the work of dredging complete The new buoys will be in about March 1. AI the new buoys will show a fixed ea light of five seconds' duration, with ellipse or five seconds. The lantern supported on a square pyramidal -ettice-work structure, surmounting at red Jonlcai buoy, and will be about 12 feet Joove the water. The buoys will be known Is Nos.

2. 4, 6 asd 8. No. 2 buoy will mark the easterly en-Llrance to the dredged channel across New-ort News Middle Ground. Buoy No.

4 frill mark the first anirle in th rtannul -rhile Buoys Nos. 6 and 8 will mark the jrcoua ana intra angles, respectively. iVl nit field Sleets Heavy Coast Gale. After steamins nil tha Vest coast of South America without en-ountering more than average weather, the ntish steamer Wlnkflpld. whlrh rrii resterday from Caieta Buena and other Utrate ports with a cargo of nuitrate of Tda, experienced on Tuesday, while still the Gulf stream, a gale from the north-rest and north-northwest that drove seas over the ship at times.

The It earner funnel is whttnn tort -fmm ttiA pray that dashed upon It, but, though big nd heavy seas washed over her for nearly I day. the onlv fLimflffe rsnlMntr vvfla a tartlng of minor deck fittings and the ending of a few rail stanchions. Capt. M. J.

Jones, who was chief officer K-itb Cant. Thomas Atkinson, is-ia of the vessel, having relieved Cap- rfun. Taison tie is wen Known here as inte of the steamers Anglo-Bolivian and nugio-iiiiean. Astronomlcd Tables Issued. An important aid to navigation has Just keen issued from the Hydographic Office tne snape or a volume of printed pages of tables to enable a navigator to identify with precision any star tfeat he nay see, even through a small rift of Nouns in stormy weather.

St the Idpntlfl ration of a few of such stars the navisrator Mil be enabled to locate the position of pis ship on the high Seas, regardless of the sun or moon. The Hydrographic Office explains that it BSS been imiiplltfl tn lindortaka thta tosb because of the growing necessity for fre-uent astronomical observations for the Purpose of deducing the c-poffrnhlfnl rvnni. ion in the course of the ocean voyages of me mgu-epeea vessels or tne present. Initial Trip Delayed. The new steamer Three Rivers, of the Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railway Company, which was recently launched at Sparrows Point, will not be placed in ervice in the early part of this month, as was expected by the company.

Owing to Ihe inclement weather the finishing touches have been delayed. It is expected, however, lo make the initial trip the latter part of this month or the first of next month. Loading Rails For Vancouver. The British steamer Conlsden arrived yesterday from New York to load a cargo Of rails at the Canton iron ore pier, part if the rails being consigned to Guaymas, Mexico, and. the rest to Vancouver, B.

where, it is reported, they will be used in the construction of a street railway line. The steamer is in command of Captain Wilfert, who succeeded Captain Turnbull, who died in December at Port Said. Three weeks before Captain. Turnbull died he be-rame the father of a boy, and two days after he died the baby's life ended. Dr.

Anareny To Go On Lancaster. By orders issued at the Navy Department yesterday Surgeon G. I. Angeny, who has been the senior medical officer at the Baltimore navy, recruiting station, is detailed for a tour of duty on the receiving ship Lancaster, at the Philadelphia Navy Yard. On that ship Dr.

Angeny will relieve Medical Inspector C. Hibbett, who In turn will succeed Dr. Angeny at the Baltimore Hospital Ship Reports Wreck. Savannah. Feb.

3. The United States TCary- hospital ship Solace yesterday reported by wireless passing the' three-masted schooner Mary J. Russell, of Leesbnre. N. lumber laden and abandoned in latitude 20 03', longitude 73 59'.

The schooner. Is reported waterlogged and dangerous to navigation, Diver To Stop Leak In Barge. The barge Annie E. Embrey, reported at i-Keraware Breakwater waterlogged, has placed alongside the Government pier at Lewes and a diver employed to stop the LIeak sufficiently for the tug Albatross to broceed with her to Th hnrtro la loaded with railroad ties from the Chesa peake. Tags And Their Tows.

The Defiance left for Norfolk with the barges Calvert, E. R. Clinton. John F. Mc-Ilvaine, C.

T. Rowland and Thomas P. Stranrf. The, Columbia left for Norfolk with the barges Elk Garden and Hampshire for Hampton Roads, where they will be taken in tow for Boston. The Southern brought to port the barge Beaufort, from Chesapeake City; and left for Norfolk with the barges Antietam, Tangier.

Christiana and Quosin. 'The Imperial arrived from the Capes 'with the schooner Phineas. W.L Spragne, 'light from New York. The Princess placed at Port Covington 'Ihe schooner William L. Douglas, light i mm jtiosTon.

The Easby arrived with four bay vessels, The Esther Phillips left with a lighter ana tne Mary jr. Kieni iert with two. -The Cecil left with the barge Natrona. The John Hughes left for New York with the barge I. D.

Fletcner. Standard Oil tag No. 12 left for Wash ington and Richmond with barges Nos. 52 and 77. The Albatross left Delaware Breakwater for Searsport at 7 A.

XL with barge Rock- lana-Kockport Lime Company No. The AT. Mitchell Davis and Peerless were on! shore at Cape Henry seeking at 8 A. V.j Port Paragraphs. The Atlantic Coast Lumber Company's steamer Katahdin was docked at the up per Manner smpyara yesterday tor sur vey, which was conducted by Cant.

E. H. Sanford. surveyor for the American Recr ord of Shipping. Captain Sanford found that the steamer was leaking in -her keel plates from forward to halfway aft and recommended that those plates and the tanks and tank-tops be rcriveted.

Capt. Donald B. Smith, formerly in the Palmer fleet of schooners, is in command of the Crowley six-masted steel schooner William I Douglas, which arrived yesterday from TJoston, Gt. Murdoch McLean, the regular commander, taking a vacation at home, The North German Lloyd steamer Neck ar. from Bremen by way of New York wjth passengers for Baltimore, passed out Sandy The lighthouse Holly, Captain Miles, arrived yesterday from an inspection and buoy-working cruise in the iipper bay.

LIeut--Cm. L. R. de Steiguer, in spector for the mn Lighthouse, district, conducted the inspection. The United States revenue cutter Apache.

Captain Moore, sailed yesterday for her weeklv cruise the Chesapeake. The schooners Katharine D. Perry, from Portsmouth, and Edward G. Hight. from Jacksonville, were reported anchored in side Cape Henry yesterday.

APJVAIS AND DEPAETLRES Port Of Baltimore, Feb. 3, Arrived. IT. S. Lightship No.

72. from Diamond Shoals. Ci S. It. stmr Hollv.

Miles, from a cruise. Stmr Winkfield (Br). Jones, from Caleta Buena, Iouiaue and TaltaL latter December 21: Monte video (for coal) January St. Ducia 25th; nitrate of son a. to uiarence uottman.

as iner no. Lo- cast Point. Stmr Coulsdon (Br), Wilford, from New York; ngnt, to Kobert Kamaoy company. At n. tt.

imn nrf Ttier. Ixur Canton. Stmr Twilight Br) Morris, from Carteret, N. J. The Joseph R- Foard Company.

In Curtis Bay. 1 Stmr Indian, Jones, from Jacksonville via Savannah; passengers, and merchandise, to Merchants and Miners' Transixrrtation Company. Stmr Nantucket. Dizer, from Boston via Norfolk; passengers and mercnaiHUse, to Mercnants. tnd Miners Transportation Company.

Stmr Charles, from New York; to New York and Baltimore Transporta-Hrm Cnmnn. Stmr Charles F. MayeT, Kaster, from Boston, etet; wit a tew, to l.onsondation joal company. Savage. Hand, from Boston, eta, with tow, to Consolidation Coal Company.

Power barge AIv and Hettie: pack ace grass. Schr Phineas W. Spragne, Simmons, from New York; light, to Gray, Co. At It. cl lier.

Canton. Schr William L. Douglas, Smith, from Boston; to v.ray, ireiaa ixk At. fort (Jovington. Sehr Frances; wood.

Barge No. 17. Andreasen, from light, to Consolidation Coal Company. Barpe No. 10.

Johnwn, from Boston; light, to Consolidation Coal Company. Barpe No. 21. Andenson. from Boston; light, 'Consolidation Coal Company.

-Barge 14. Train, from Boston; light, to Con-soiidatioB Coal Company. Barger Beaufort, Woodruff, from Philadelphia; wheat. Cleared. Stmr Andrk (Dutch).

Van Walwven, for Rotter--! dam via r.cwport rews and Norfolk; JJresel, Rauschenberg Co. Stmr Indian, Peters, for Jacksonville via Savannah; Merchants and Miners' Transportation Stmr Manna-Hata. Charles, for New York; New York and Baltimore Transportation Company. Stmr Nantucket. Dizer, for Boston; Merchants aivd Miners Transportation Company.

Btmr Maiden, Smith, fur -Boston: Federal Coal co*kt Company. Di Then George Barber Was Arrested In York On Charge There. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. York. Feb.

3. After wandering about this country and Canada for over a year dodging detectives George Barber, a former resident of this city, was arrestea here today. Barber is charged. with having secured $250 from Mrs. Anna widow, promising to run a barber shop for her.

It said he failed to keep his promise. NO NEW EXCURSION RATES Railroad Agents Determine To Fol -low Plan Of Last Few Years. Chicago, Feb. 3. Passenger fares for conventions and special excursions next summer will be made on the same basis as during the last two or three years.

This was determined at a meeting of a committee of general passenger agents yesterday, representing the roads east of the Rocky Mountains, following a meeting of the transcontinental men last week at which the same decision was reached for raciflc Coast travel. ROBBERS GAVE HIM AUTO RIDE' Two Drove Up, Pointed Guns, Took Man, Money, Watch And $87. Chicago, Feb. 3. Robbery by a new method was committed here last night, when two men in evening dress drove up to the sidewalk in an automobile, pointed revolvers at Jacob Butz, a restaurant proprietor, and after forcing him Into the machine, took him from a prominent business street to a dark alley and leisurely robbed him.

A watch and $87 were taken from him. AUCTION SALES- BY PATTISON GA1IAN. Edward I. Joseph A. Clark Attorneys, No.

HO Lexington street. ADMINISTRATORS' BALE Or' VALUABLE LEASKHOLD mOPERTT KNOWN AS 82014 WEST BALTIMORE STREET. By Tirtuo of an order of tlie Orphans' Ocuirt ox Baltimore Otv tb nndcrsifmed. Adiniiiistrtpr, will sell public auction, on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 4th dy of February. 1910, at 4 clock P.

A LI THAT VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY situata in Batiinur city and described as follows: Beginning for the on the north tide of Baltimore street, twenty feet east from the southeast corner cf lot No. 10 on. the, plat Clemens lot. west of lTeniont street ee w. v.

iu. ut, nm- thence east twelve feet: thence north on hundred feet thence west twelro feet, and thenc outh one hundred feet to the beghuiiiig. Improved bv a BRICK STORE AND IV ELLIMj. Ground rent H2. (See lease in W.

M. No. 443. foho 4S9. to nn of the land records ot Baltimore City), ix- nensea adjusted to day of sale.

Terms of Sale: Cash unrrn ratification of sole. A deposit of $100 will be required of the purchaser at tne urn. 30HNS0N EDWARD I. CLARK, Administrators Pendente Lite. PATTISON OAHAN.




ETC, ETC. TRM8: GAn f42t Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE. Will sell MONDAY. February 7.

1910, at 5 P. on premiws, seven-room COTTAGE, north elde of Springfield avenue. Take York road cars to Ar-Unirtoa Menue; then go east threo blocks beyona bridge. HENRY W. FOX, Aiiniee, PATTISON OAHAN.

f4-3t Auctioneer Carrlnsrton ft Carrlngrton, Solicitors. HO E. Lexington street. trusttseFs SALE OF VALUABLE FEE AND LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. KNOWN AS NOS.

315. 317 AND 1 N. EUTAW STREET. AND LOT IN THE REAROF13 N. EUTAW STREET, AND ALSO KNOWN A3 "BLANEY'S THEATRE." By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court.

No. 2, of Baltimore City, the undersigned. Trustee, will sell at public auction, on the premises on TUBS. DAY, February 8, 1910. at 4 o'clock P.

ALL THOSE LOTS OF GROUND AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, situate in the city of Baltimore, described as follows: Beginning for the first of said lots on the east side of En taw stn-et, distant from the north side ot Saratoga street 153 feet and running thence north, binding on Eutaw street 70 feet: thence east parallel with Mulberry street 85 feet to a 12-foot alley; thence south binding on said alley 90 feet to another 12-foot alley running westwardly Into Eutaw street; thence west binding on said last-mentioned -alley 25 feet; thenco north binding on the lot of ground of the New Market Fire Company 20 feet; thence binding on the said lot of the said Fire Company west to the place of beginning. And beginning for the second of said -lots of ground at the end of the third line of Ui lot of ground described in a deed dated the 23d of July, 1992, and recorded among the Land Records of Baltimore city in Liber No. 199. Folio 324. from James R.

Brewer to Frank Ehlen, and running thence northwesterly binding on a 12-foot alley feet; thence easterly 48 feet 9 Inches; thence south, erly 90 feet to another 12-feet alley running into Eutaw street, and thence westerly binding on said last-mentioned alley 48 feet 9 Inches to the place of beginning. The purchaser of said property will acquire samt subject to the possibility of an outstanding sub. lease of 1 cent cn the southernmost three feet of said property fronting on Eutaw street Improvements on said lots of ground consist of MODERN THEATRE, said firstly described lot of ground is subject to the payment of an annual ground rent of 11.500. and the secopdly described lot of ground is in fee-simple. Terms of Sale: One-third cash at ratification of sale, balance in six and twelve months, credit payments to bear interest from day of sale and to secured to the satisfaction of the Trustee.

Taxes, ground rent, adjusted to date of sale. A Hnnnsit. of S2.500 will be reouired of pur chaser at the time of sale. EDWARD CARRINGTON. Trustee.

PATTISON GAHAN. fg-7t Auctioneer. SCHWAB BROS. Aucts, 601 Fidelity Building. Beverly W.

Smith, Solicitor, 213 St Paul Btreet. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF DESIRABLE DWELLING, 1533 HAKEK STREET, BY PUBLIC- AUCTION, ON THE PREMISES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 101O, pursuance of a decree of the Circuit Court N. 2 of Baltimore City, the undersigned. Trustee, will offer for sale, as above. ALL THAT LOT OF GROUND AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, situate ta the city of Baltimore and thus described: Beginning on north side of Baker street distant 15 feet east from the east side of Gilmor etreet; thence east, fronting on north side of Baker street 15 feet, with a depth northerly, parallel with Gilmor street, of even width all the way, 64 feet to the north side of a 4-foot alley, with the ue thereof in common.

For title see Liber S. 0. L. 2471, folio 263. Subject to a yearly rent of $70 and.

improved by a 3-story BRICK DWELLING. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, balance In six and twelve months, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser; deferred payments to bear interest from the day of sale and to be secured to the satisfaction of the Truste. A deposit of $100 will be required of the purchaser at the time cf sale. BEVERLY W. SMITH, Tnmtee.


Lot about 13 feet 8 Inches by 110 feet to south side of 10-foot alley. Ground rent $55, redeemable. Deposit of $75 required at sale, yuan. WILLIAM B. LEVY.





1 SATURDAY, FEB. 5, COMMENCING AT 10.30 O'CLOCK A. EIGHT WAGONLOADS OF; GOOD AND UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE, FINE CARPETS, RUGS and HOUSEHOLD GOODS. IN ADDITION TO THE A.BOVE The entire effects of a Calvert street residence ani large lot of gooda from manufacturers. In these effects wDl be found a large assortment for your" Parlor; Library, Bedrooms, Dining Room and Kitchens.

These consignments consist of fine, good and-medium grade Furniture too numerous to ape. cialize, SALE rOSITlVB- 1126 3. 3. Nl'BUEO, AucUoaccA Stmrs Italia. (Ital), for Tampa: Bosnia.

(Ger), Hamburg: Andrk (Dtitdi. Rotterdam via Newport News and Norfolk Manu-Hata, New York; Mai den, Boston. Chenpeake Bay Ports. CAPE HENRY. Feb.

3. 8 A. hazv icind southwest, 14 miles. Aoo, cloudy; tcind eouthiceat, 20 miles. "4 P.

raining; Kind southteest, 18 miles; nearly dense jog. Passed in for Baltimore 3d at 9 A. stmr Ontario, from Boston (toward Norfolk); 9.10 A. stmr Xeckar (Ger). from Bremen via New fork; 2.40 P.

stmr Dorchester, from, Jacksonville via bavatmau. Passed in for Baltimore ia at mianignt, turn from Providence (toward Norlolk). Passed out from Baltimore 3d at A. stmr Gorredyk (Dntch), for Itotterdam Geonre P. Hvidson, for Boston TResixiol (Br), for Amsterdam Brighton Our), for fnrt si ana ar- i imr Otiantko.

for Jacksonville via. Savannah. i'assea oat irom liaaimore za ai a i 31.. nmr Chesapeake, for New York; 8 P. M.

stmr Jolanda Giotvio (Nor), for Fort Antonio; 11 P. stmr Coniston (Br), for Vera, Cruz. COVE POINT, Feb. 3. Raining and calm.

Passed tip for Baltimore at 4.39 P. M-, stmr Neckar (Ger), from Bremen via New York. Passed down from Baltimore at 2.35 P. stmr Maiden, for Boston: 2.45 P. atmr Bosnia (Ger), for Hambnrg; 4.36 P.

V. cutter Apache. DEEP CHEEK. Feb. 3.

The.foUowlng vessels passed through. Lake Drnnrmond CaDal today Northbound Tug Eliza BlackeU and stmrs Ted-die and Blanche, an for Norfolk. SouthlXMind Tua G. B. BevHolds and schr 11.

Taylor, for Elizabeth City; schr Mary Gafllard. aatiiDgton schr Shearwater, ttizaoeta city; rug Prank K. Esherick and barges Mary A. Hooper. Neptune.

Comet and J. W. Jsoney, Newbern; barge Mars. WashmztoT). Port Edward E.

Briry, Portsmouth; Edward T. Stoteabury, Boston: Viking. New York. Geared 3d, stmra Hermod (Nor), for Tampteo; Nor (Nor), fiantiaso: Ida (Aust). Ancona.

Venice and Trieste. Sailed 3d, stmrs Dnimgeith (BrV. for New lor; Ida (Aust), Barcelona: Servian (Br), Manchester; achr Henry J. Smith, Key West. NORFOLK, Feb.

3. Arrived, stmrs Samara (Br), from New Orleans an( cleared for Glasgow); Sterope (Ital). New York: Tantallqn (Br), New York (latter cleared for St. Lada, Royal Exchange (Br), Philadelphia (and latter cleared for Gulfport): chn Helen W. Martin, Boston; Nathaniel T.

Talmer. Portland: Rachel W. Stemui xnA TTelnn H. Benedict. New London Hugh Kelly and Lucy E.

Friend, New York; Lu-; cwaa wuton, roixiana. Cleared 3d, stmra Anglo-Mexican (Br), for New York; Montana Point (Br), London. Sailed 3d, stmrs Lodovica (Aust). for Venice via, Malaga, Marseilles and Trieste Asian (Br), Havre. Arrived From Baltimore.

Stmr Parthian, Payne. Savannah. Sd Instant (and sailed for Jacksonville). Cleared For Baltimore. Stmr Betbania (Ger), Meyerdlrcka, Boston 3d.

1 Sailed For Baltimore. Stmr Koto (Ger), Meyer, Bremen 4 P. M. 3d Inst-! Stmr Matilda Weems, Hurgina (via Georgetown), Charleston, S. 3d instant.

Stmr Essex. Hudgins, Providence 3d instant. Memoranda. I Stmr Lord Erne (Br). Davis, from Newport' News for London and Rotterdam, passed Solly Stmr Mobile (Br).

Wylie, from Baltimore for London and Antwerp, passed Scilly 3d instant. Stmr Lord Lansdowne (Br), West, from Baltimore for Dublin, passed Fastnet 3d instant. Stmr Venango (Br). Bath, from Newport at Norfolk 3d instant. Stmr Lexington, Thatcher, from Boston, arrived at Philadelphia 3d instant.

Stmr Fred erickT from Savannah, arrived at Phil-' adelphia 3d instant. Stmr Howard. Robinson, for Norfolk, sailed from! Boston 3d instant. Tug Tormenter, with barges Luzon and "Wabash," from Norfolk for Boston, passed out Delaware Breakwater 2d Instant. Tug Cumberland, towing barges No.

8, 9 and 25. from Baltimore for Boston, passed Chatham 8.40 A. M. 3d instant. Schr William Thomas Moore, Griffith, from New York for Wilmington, N.

passed Diamond Shoals S.20 P. M. 2d instant. Schrs Katharine D. Perry Garfield, from Portsmouth for Baltimore, inside Cape Henry 2d inst.

Schr Malcolm B. Bearer. Dodge, from Galveston to load for Baltimore, at Port Tampa 2d instant- Schr Edward G. Hight, Gantt, from Jacksonville far Baltimore, inside Cape Henry 2d instant. Foreign Imports.

British Steamer Mackinaw, from London 70 bales hide fleshings, 3,000 bags granulated rice, -250 bags Fuller's earth, 25 casks chalk, 4 cases stationery, 112 bags diamond grit, 9 eases india-rubber balls, 300 barrels and 200 cases bottled beer, 17 bags seeds, 2,000 bars copper, 4 cases brushware, 3 cases toys. 251 bags fish guano, 1.5S6 bundles salted hides, 5 bales dry hides, 100 cases gin, 3 bundles plants. From Antwerp 502 tons manganese ore, 29 bales old burlap bagging, 770 bales wood pulp, 2,000 bags phosphate, 2.3s) bags fertilizere, 11 cases plate glass, 64 barrels chlorkalk, 72 cases safety matches, 2b0 cases condensed milk, 4 cases furniture, 4 casks glassware, 85 bales, old bagging, 302 bales old rags, 39 cases marbles, 61 cases crockery. 88 packages crockery and glassware, 21 cases safety matches, 80 bundles alimentary paste, 91 crates cast-iron radiators, 4 eases champagne, 1 case library, 171 packages hoi' low glass, etc 178 bales old scrap bagging, 133 bales old rags, 1 bale burlap bagging. British Steamer Winkfield, from Caleta Bueno, etc.

8,031 bags nitrate soda. Norwegian Steamer Terje Viken, from Daiquiri 6,000 tons iron ore. Forelrn Exports. Dutch Steamer Andyk, for Rotterdam 75 tierces 1 V-l 1 uicv vu. aiuff, uj oe oompiereu.

Vessels Boand For Those marked have option of porta. STEAMERS. Name. Port. Date.

Agnello Ciampi (It) Oran Jan, 18 Aurora loraer trtasgow Jan. Amsteldyk (Dnt), Jan. 29 Ben Lomond (Br). Rio Jan. 2i Bethania (tier), Meyerdircks.Boston Brook line (Br).

Davison Port 2 Bulgaria (Ger). Scbonfeldt Hamburg 26 Corfe Castle (Br.Hoskm....Vizagapatam....Tan. Cooisdott (Br), York 1 Daltonhall (Brl, Feb. 1 Grangewood IBr) Hatswell.Daiquiri....,.Jan. 29 Industrv (Br).

Milne Dundee 9fi Kennebec 1 isloih lueri, weyer Bremen 3 Lord Charlemont (Br), Keeling. HuelTa Jan. 18 Louisiana (Dan). Jan. 14 M.deLamnaga(Br)Echeverria.Port 16 Maartensdyk (Dut), Hock sma.

Rotterdam. an. '1 Mackinaw (Br). Goodie. 14 Main (Ger), Jantzen.

31 Manx Isles (Br), Reside New York. 2 Moncenisio (It), ZitteW Leghorn Jan. 20 Neckar (Ger), Traue New York Feb. 2 Nordkap (Dan), Oceana (Swed), Boivie. Philadelphia Saltwell (Br), York Taunton (Nor), EUifsen Port 2 Twilight (Br).

Morris 3 Vedamore (Br). Jones. Liverpool Jan. 27 York Castle (Br), Capetown Jan. 22 SHIPJ ASD BABKS.

Brilliant (Br), Momson Bombay fi Eclipse (Br). 11 Jttteopolis (Br). Downs Hongkong Jan. 3 Kremlin. McNeill Little Tillie Baker.

York Feb. 1 SCHOONERS. Ang. H. Babco*ck.

Ben, A. Van Brunt, 30 Edith H. Symington, Stiles. HUsha Atkitu. Jan.

31 Edward G. Hight. Gantt. Maj-port Jan. 23 J.

K. Teel, Anderson Salem Jan. 27 Margaret Thomas, Jan. 24 Nellie W. Craigv Lane Island.

23 O. F. Wootten. Steelmaa. Chisholm Island.

Thoa, F. Pollard, .1 arm an. Wm. E. Bowen, Hinckley York Win.

U. Yerkes. Fales. Port 23 Steamers To Arrive At Kerr York; DUE FEBBCABY 4. From Sailed Stmr Pannonia 23 Stmr Prometheus.

Jan. 19 Stmr Island 27 Stmr Jan. 27 Stmr Nicolai II 17 Stmr Crown of Port 28 Stmr Buenos Aire 30 Stmr San Marcos Galveston Jan. 23 Stmr 31 Star A Kingston 29 Stmr 29 Stmr Ottawa Sunderland Jan.

16 Stmr Rood Bremen Jan. 23 Stmr St. Andrew Antwerp Jan. 22 Stmr London. Jan.

19 Stmr Brazos Jan. 29 Stmr 19 Stmr City of 1 DUE FEBBHABX Stmr Savoie Jan. 29 Stmr Lituania Jan. 23 Stmr Volturno Jan. 22 Stmr Idaho Hull Jan.

22 Stmr Cristobal Jan. 29 Stmr Mobile 9 Stmr El Monte Galveston Jan. 30 stmr Mexico Havana. 1 eb. 2 Stmr Altai Kingston Jan.

31 Stmr Barbados Jan. 29 Stmr Arapahoe Jacksonville Feb. 2 DCB TEBBUABY 6. Stmr 29 Stmr Kansas 22 Stmr Soperga 22 Stmr Cearense Jan. 25 Stmr Vigilancia Tampico.

29 stmr raa wiuem ot. 1 Stmr P. A. Kingston. 1 Steamers To Sail From New York.

For Sails Stmr Feb. i Btmr ai ionaon Feb. i Stmr New i Southampton Feb. i stmr naxonla (, eb. i Stmr Roma Naples, Marseilles.

Feb. Stmr Gr. Orient Feb. I Stmr Laurentic Feb. Stmr President Hamburg Feb.

4 stmr ivaiaer ttrrmcn en. btmr etatendam Stmr Duca Naples, Genoa Stmr Vederland Antwerp (Paris). Stmr Stmr Liverpool Stmr btmr Hoon. iirtmeu i'f b. lit Btmr Savote Havre Stmr Panuocia.

Gibraltar, NaptakFeb. 11 Stmr Caledonia l'eb. 12 Stmr Venezda. Naples, 12 Stmr K. Albert Naples.

Feb. 12 Stmr Mlnnewraka 12 Stmr Adriatic Feb. 12 Stmr Regina Genoa Feb. 1J Btmr 12 Stmr l'i Stmr Naples. OeciH Fen.

15 Stmr Oceania 15 Stmr Zeeland (Paris) 16 Stmr Cedric Gibraltar. Genoa. 16 Stmr Campania Feb. 18 Stmr Provence Feb. 17 Stmr California Glasgow Feb.

19 Stmr Baltic Liverpool; Feb. 19 Stmr St. Louis 19 Stmr D. d'Abrhzri Naples, Genoa Feb. 1- Stmr M.

Naples. 19 Stmr Minnehaha London Feb. I fmr Caronia Gibraltar, 19 bum Rotterdam Feb. 22 Sunr Feb. 23 Stmr Umbria Liverpool Feb.

23 Stmr Feb. 23 Stmr G. Feb. 24 Stmr Verona Naplei. Genoa Feb.

24 "Wireleaf BROW HEAD. Feb. 3. The La Touraine, from New York for Havre, was reported when 170 miles sonthweat at 9.16 A. M.

and is due at Havre noon Friday. CAPE RACE. N. Feb. 3.

The Caledonia, from Glasgow for New York, was in communication when 1.100 miles east of Sandy Hook at 4.35 P. M. and will dock about 3 P. M. Sunday.

The Minnewaska, from oLndon for New York, was in communication when 1,235 miles east of Sandy Hook at 5.30 P. M. and will dock about 8.30 A. M. Monday.

The from Genoa for New York, was in communication when 1,700 miles east of Sandy Hook at 6 P. M. and will dock about 8.30 A. M. Tuesday.

NEWPORT, K. Feb. 3. The Adriatic; from Southampton for New fork, was reported when 193 miles east of Sandy Hook at L40 A. M.

Will dock about 4 P. M. SABLE ISLAND. N. Feb.

3. The La Savoie, from Havre for New York, was in communication when 650 miles-east of Sandy Hock at 2.55 P. M. The Empress of Britain, from' Liverpool for St. 8.20 A.

stmr I 2.20 stmr Virginia House Passes $65,000 Bill, Keeping Promise. SENATE TALKS OF FOOTBALL I Bill Froniblttns Flaying- Under Present Rules Advanced. To Sec- ond Reading. w. Special to Vthe Baltimore Sun.J Richmond, feb- 3.

Redeeming the campaign promise made by the Democratic party In the recent contest, the House of Delegates today unanimously passed the bill appropriating $65,000 to pay pensions for the year 1909 to those who did not receive their money because the pension fund had become exhausted. 'The bill is an emergency measure, and when passed by the Senate will become effective at once. Senator Park's bill to prohibit the play ing of football in Virginia under the rules now, in force went to' its second reading tn the The bill was thus advanced. despite the opposition of Senator Early. This action was taken at a session of the Senate held for the sole purpose ad vancing first-reading bills.

The session was Bhort, but few members attending, and was the first occasion of two meetings in one day this session. The most important bill which -passed either house was the 'measure- formulated by the Senate Finance Committee increas ing the license taxes on dealers in intoxi cating It went through the upper house entirely without. opposition. Senator Folkes, through whose resolution two years ago the Senate Finance Committee met recently to inquire into the needs of departments and to formulate an appropriation bill, tried to secure a bill by February, 15. No action was taken.

The Fletcher Tax Equalization bill came up again," Senator Halsey occupying the remaining time In discussion. He took general ground against the proposed amendments and defended the bill as it came from the hands of the Committee. Senator Edmondson offered a bill to allow the voters of Houston, Halifax county, to vote upon the establishment of a dispensary. Houston voted dry more than a year ago, but the law against an election within less than a year does not apply in the presence of a special act of the Legislature allowing a vote on a dispensary. Aside from the Pension bill the most Important measure acted upon in the House was that making Illegal' voting and frauds in elections a felony Instead of a misdemeanor.

This measure does rwt change the existing law excepting as to the penalty, which, can be onade a felony, with a penitentiary sentence, in the discretion of the Jury. There was no opposition. The bill providing for a State board of accounting went through without a dissenting vote. The board is to be composed of five members, to be appointed by the Governor. Those who pass the board will be allowed to act as chartered public accountants.

The House Committee on General Laws reported favorably the bill donating part of the Lee Camp Soldiers' Home property for a Confederate memorial or Battle Ab; bey site. The bill went to the calendar. HAD BALANCE. SO lUSrX ifliAUJSS Governor Mann Promptly Reap, pointa Fisheries Board. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Richmond, Feb. 3. Governor Mann has announced the following members of the State Board of Fisheries, to succeed themselves as the board for the ensuing four years W. McDONALD LEE, of Lancaster, chairman; S. WILKINS MATHEWS, of Accomac, secretary; BLAND MASSIB, of Nelson.

J. MURRAY HOOKER, of Patrick. GEORGE B. KEEZELL, of Rockingham. This board has, been one of the most efficient and vigilant in the State and Its reappointment, is an evidence of the valu able service that has been rendered.

A remarkable feature of the work done by the members of the board was a report to the effect that the appropriation of last year showed a balance pn hand. HERE ABE ALL THE COLONELS Some Old Ones Retained On Gov- ernor Mann's Staff. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Richmond, Feb. Mann today made public a complete list of mem bers of the Gubernatorial staff.

Col. Thomas B. McSadams, of RJchmond, and Andrew G. Gray and George J. Seay, both of this city, are added.

CoL William C. Waite, of Culpeper, a member of the staff of Governor Swanson, Is reappointed. Fol lowing is the complete list of the colonels, with their postaffice addresses: Alexander Hamilton, Petersburg chief of staff; Robert W. Arnold, W'averly; G. Sheldon Bowman.

Salem J. B. Boyer, Taze well; L. Brewer, Suffolk; Andrew Jacksoa Gray, Richmond; Lucius Gregory. Chase City; Edwin A.

Halsey, Lynchburg; John M. Herndon, Danville; J. W. Smithfleld; James D. Johnston, Roanoke; C.

Kldd, Bristol; Thomas B. McAdams, Richmond; William J. Nelms, Newport News; William W. Old, Norfolk; Dr. James A.

Rose- land; WilUam Henry Sargeant, Nor folk; George J. Seay, Richmond; William T. Lexington: E. S. Sinimerman, SpeedweU; Hugh Smith, HeathsvUle; Richard C.

Stokes, Lynchburg; J. F. Tem. pleton, Waynesboro; C. Waite, Culpeper, and Roy White, Parksley.

Says "Kid" Dempsey Deserted Her. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. W. Feb. 3.

A woman claiming to be the wife of Kid Dempsey, prizefighter, called at Police Headquarters today and asked for assistance in seeking emDlovmentJ stating that Dempsey had deserted her here yesterday. She stated she met Dempsey In Baltimore a month ago while: a waitress and that they were married a week later. Since that time they have been traveling. Demp sey giving boxing exhibitions. She said she was formerly Evelyn of Sweet Chalybeate Springs, Pa.

prizes For Fine Virsrinia Corn. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Richmond, Feb. 3. Following is a list of prizewinners In the corn contest, which Is the aftermath feature of the State Farmers' Institute Class 3.

Beat 10 Ears of White Corn First, A. F. Turner, Fort Royal, championship 10 ears of corn, at corn prize, 'corn planter; sec ond. Dr. TJ.

C. Gravatt, Fort Royal, Va. third, B. D. Adams, Bed Oak; foiirth, J.

A. Hardy, Black- stone; fifth. T. O. Sandy, Burkervffle.

Class 4. Best Ears of Yellow Corn First, W. G. Boutt, Roanoke; second, D. H.

Wetsel, Port Republic; third, C. ParkmaoB, Taylora- Tille. B. B. Moore.

Pulaski; fifth, W. O. Parkinson, TaylorsviUe. Class 5 Best 10 ears prolific com. First, John A.

Archer. Richmond, R. F. No. second, Dr.

Samuel G. Guerrant. Galloway: third. H. Newman, Somerset.

Berkeley D. Adams, the prize winner at the Virginia. State Fair last fall, won the sweepstake prize for the best, ear at the show and captured the sliver cup. A sec ond ribbon was awarded Dr. Guerrant, of Galloway, for the.

excellence of an ear shown. v- West Vlrgrlnian Dies In Prison. Leavenworth, 3. An epi demic of typhoid fever has broken out In the Federal prison here. Rickard Bruno, of West Virginia, died; Eugene Ross, of Is dying and several others are seriously ill.

The phy sician attributes the disease to impure water. BSIEES FROM THE VIRGINIAS Harrisonburg, Feb. .3. The Town Council of Harrisonburg last night elected Dr. Thomas Firebaugh a member of the Harrisonburg public School Board to fin the' vacancy caused by the death, of A.

H. Snyder. Fredericksburg, Feb. The people of King George, county are agitated over the question of building a new courthouse anc clerk's office. Bids have already been asked for.

but the contracts have not yet been awarded. It Is stated that there' is much opposition to spending the money. Lynchburg, Feb. 3. John WIngfleld, a white man, was arrested today, charged with operating blind tiger in a.

negro section. uanvuie, eo. o. am eg jdoanott, a negro wanted at Tancyville, N-' for housebreaking, was arrested here today. He says that the offense was committed overU years ago and he will not go back without requisition.

Richmond, Feb. 3. A. S. Bristow, of Locnst Hill, Middlesex county, was arrested today and lodged in jail In Henrico county-by United States Marshal Morgan Treat on a charge of using check sent through the mails to another address.

Bristow has retained ex-Gov. A. J. Montague and Both Sides Expect Agreement At Toledo Wasre Conference. ADDRESSES AEE COUCHIATORY Unionising; Of West Virginia One Of The Chief Topics Under Consideration.

Toledo, Feb. 3. Hope of an amica ble adjustment was expressed by Thomas L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, while acting as temporary chairman of the joint wage scale conference of the operators and miners of the Ohio, Indi ana and Pennsylvania district, which opened here this afternoon. He said I hope that we will proceed calmly, dis passionately and deliberately, and that we will be able to arrive at a proper and In telligent settlement of any differences ex isting." John H.

Jones, president of the Pitts burg-Buffalo Coal Company, and one of the principal operators present, expressed a be-J ner tnat a peaceable agreement will be reached and a strike avoided. After a disposition of preliminary busi ness the conference adjourned until tomor row morning to await the report of the credentials committee, which deadlocked on the question of admitting the Illinois miners in the absence of the operators of that State. The miners arrived here at noon, after closing their convention at Indian apolis with an all-night session. A few scattering "noes" on the motion to make President Lewis temporary chairman of the conference were the only echo of the controversy just finished in the miners' con vention. President Lewis made an unqualified declaration for the repeal of "so-called anti-conspiracy laws which, he said, circ*mscribed the operators, so that they "con stantly dread being dragged Into the courts.

He said that when the miners and operators get together for the uplifting of the Industry, there will be less risk of invest ment and more safety for the workmen. He said a demand should be made of the rail roads that they pay the mine owners more money for the coal they consume, that the mine owners might 6pend more money for the protection of their employes. There is an initial difference between miners and operators amounting to 20 cents a ton. The miners in their convention at Indian apolls made a demand for a wage increase from 90 cents to $1 a ton. While they have out formulated their demand, it has been generally understood that the operators want a decrease of 10 cents a ton, declaring an Increase impossible under existing circ*mstances.

Any agreement here will be a basis of settlement in all other bituminous districts. As the prime issue, theoperators, those of Ohio leading, are expected to force to some conclusion the 12 years project of organizing the non-union field of West Virginia as a preliminary to increasing or maintaining present They assert that they cannot continue to compete with the West Virginia operators and that the non-union fields of Kentucky and West Virginia are also becoming a strong factor in this competition. The demands include an absolute eight-hour day, time-and-a-half for overtime, holidays and Sundays and a two-year Ohio mine operators signed a memorial to be presented to the officials 6f the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad asking for as good car service as that eaid to be. furnished West Virginia. It Is said that a committee will visit Baltimore for this purpose immediately after the close of the wage conference, and that if this move falls, the operators contemplate laying their grievances before the Federal Government.

Night Of Violent Controversy. Indianapolis, Feb. 3. The convention of the United Mine Workers of America, which had been in session here for two weeks, adjourned today after a night spent in violent controversy oVcr local and. national differences of policy.

St. Louis was chosen for next year's convention city. E. S. McCullough, of Michigan, and John H.

Walker, of Illinois, were elected delegates to the convention of the Western Federation of Miners. A coalition between the 'Western metal miners and the United coal miners will be attempted. GLASSMAKERS' STRIKE OFF More Than 800 Men, Idle Five Months, Concerned. Hartford City, Feb. 3.

After lasting five months the strike of 'the cutters and flatteners in the plant of the American Window Glass Company here was declared off last night by President The company has factories in Belle Vernon, Pa. Monongahela City, Pa. Arnold, Kane and Jeannette, and Hart ford City, Ind. More than 800 men will return to work. DELAWARE EXCHANGE FORMED Farmers' Prodnce Organization Hopes For Better Rates.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Dover, Del.f Feb. 3. Farmers and pro ducers from all parts of the State today organized the Delaware Produce Exchange for, packing, selling and shipping of fruits and vegetables. James T.

Shallcross. of New Castle coun ty, presided, and Prof. Wesley Webb, of Dover, was elected temporary secretary. As President Shallcross put It, "heretofore we have had to beg the transportation companies with our little offerings of less than a carload of this or that product. Now, with our aggregate products of carloads running up into the hundreds we will compel them to beg 3.

T. Shallcross, Merritt N. Willets and Julian Cochran, of New Castle county Gilbert J. Meredith, James P. Aron and John J.

Rosa, of Kent county, and S. Thomas Smith, Charles Freldel and E. B. Brown, of Sussex county, were appointed an organiza tion committee to form a big stock company. ONE DRAKE "HEIR" LOCKED UP Foatofllce Inspector.

Alleges Mlsnse Of flialls To Swindle. New York, Feb. 3. Syrus M. Drake, an elderly farmer of Huntersville, who claims to be a descendant of Sir Francis Drake and an heir to an estate of was arrested today.

A postoffice inspector made.J:he charge of using the mails in connectloin with a scheme to defraud others who believed themselves heirs of the British admiral. Drake was held in $3,000 bail for examination. Drake is specifically accused of having obtained $30 from Fanny Cagle, of Hodgen-ville, to prosecute the claim to the Drake estate, $150 from J. Drake, of Whltefield, and $10 from a man named Miller, of Corsicana, Texas. GOEBEL MONUMENT UNVEILED Body Of Brother Who Fought To Clear Name Buried Beside Him.

-Frankfort, Feb. 3. The tenth anniversary of the death of William Goebel, who was the central figure in one of the most stirring chapters In the latter days of Kentucky's history, was observed today by the unveiling of a marble and bronze monument above the grave in the State cemetery here. Coincident with this ceremony the body of his brother, Arthur Goebel, who devoted his Jife after the assassination to an effort to convict the men he believed guilty of the murder and died just after his work had come to naught, was laid to rest beside that of Willistm GoebeL The Legislature attended In a body. A great throng gathered around the monument, alL evidences of the partisan strife connected with the Goebel troubles being noticeably absent.

Former Gov. J. C. W. Beckham, who, as Lieutenant-Governor, succeeded to the executive chair at William Goebel's death, was master of ceremonies.

15 PET CATS GAVE FIRE ALARM Miss Margaret Molvey Saved, But Owner Expected Tp Die. New York, Feb. 3. The 15 pet cats kept by Miss Teresa Mulvey, 63 years old, gave the alarm of nre toaay wnicn proDaDiy saved the life of her sister Margaret, 60 years old. Miss Teresa herself was so badly burned that she will probably die.

Four of the cats were suffocated. The fire was In the kitchen where the cats were kept. Their howling awoke the sisters, and Miss Teresa was fatally burned in trying to rescue her pets. Her sister jumped to the hallway just in time to escape the fatal burst of flames. The prompt alarm brought the firemen quickly and prevented heavy damage to the building.

One hundred tenants were panic-stricken, but all except Miss Teresa Mul- vey got out unharmed. Is Ground Thirty-Foot Channel Buoy No. 2, a first-class nun. to mark the easterly entrance- to the Newport News Middle Ground Thirty-Foot Channel Gas Buoy No. 4, a red conical buoy, surmounted by a square pyramidal lattice-work frame supporting a lens-lantern and showing a fixed red light during periods of five seconds, separated by eclipses of five seconds' duration, about 13 feet above the water, will be established in 30 feet of water in placo of Newport News Middle Ground Thirtv-Foot Channel Buoy No.

4, a first-class nun. to mark the first angle in the dredged channel: Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse, -H. by Craney Island Lighthouse. S.L.. Nanae-mond River Lighthouse.

W.S.W., 3-lfi W. Newport News Middle Ground Thirty Foot Channel Gas Buoy No. 6, a red conical buoy, surmounted by a square pyramidal lattioe-work frame fupporting a lens-lantern and showing a fixed red light during periods of five seconds, separated by eclipses of five seconds' duration, about 12 feet above the water, will be established in 30 feet of water in place of Newport News Middle Ground Thirtv-Foot Channel Buoy No. 6, a first-class mm, to mark the second angle in the dredged channel: Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse, N.E., 11-16 Craney Island Lighthouse, S.E., 1-161 Nansemond River Lighthouse, by W-, W. Newport News Middle Ground Thirty-Foot Chan nel fian Hun No.

8. a red conical buoy, sur mounted by a square pyramidal lattice-work frame supporting a lens-ianiern ana snowing a nieu reu 1 i rr Aftwtntr nf flvp iwnvndv DT eclipses of five seconds' duration, 13 feet above the water, will be established in 30 feet of water in place of Newport News Middle Ground Thirty-Foot Channel Buoy No. 8. a first-class nun, to mark the third angle of the dredged channel: Newport News Aiiaaie virouna iigninouse, ij.n.., 7-16 E-; Craney Island Lighthouse, S.Fa, 1-16 Nansemond River Lighthouse, S.W., W. Domestic Port.

BOSTON. Feb. 3. Arrived, stmr Armenian, from irom Liverpool. Arrived 3d.

stmr Ivernla. from Liverpool. Feb. 3. Sailed, atmr Pol (Br), for Liverpool; Altamaha.

New York. R. fL. Feb. 3.

Arrived, stmrs Vireil (Br). from Santos: Mateawan- (Br), Bremen; Trojan (Br), Antofa*gasta; Mohawk, New York (and proceeded for Jacksonville) Arapahoe. Jack sonville (and proceeded for New Xork) Kio uranae, Galveston via. Jacksonville (and proceeded for Bos ton). Sailed 3d.

stmr Alioth (Dutch), for Gulfport. DELAWARE BREAKWATER. Feb. 3. Passed out from Philadelphia, stmrs Grecian, for Boston; William P.

Palmer, Tampa via. Charleston, etc Passed up for Philadelphia, stmr American, from Returned, schr Grade D. Chamber, from New art ntwsv York for Virginia. GALVESTON. TEXAS, Feb.

3. Arrived, stmr El Valle. from New York. Cleared stmrs Durensait (Ger), for Bremen lanA ulnrunAolri (Rrl Port Arthnr. Sailed 3d 'itirn DelDhins (Ital).

for Barcelona, and Genoa; El Siglo, New York. MOBILE, Feh. 3. Arrived, schra Hieronyr mus (Br), from Cardenas: 8awyer Brothens, Cardenas. NEW ORLEANS, Feb.

3. Cleared, etmr Hiram (Nor), for Iriona. NEW YORK, Feb. 3. Arrived, stmrs Bayamo, from Cienfuegos; Manhattan, Savannah; Colon, Cristobal; Oceana, Bermuda; Argentina, Trieste; Pannonia, Trieste; Mar AdriaticQ, Seville: Almi-rante.

Colon, etc; Iroquois, Jacksonville and Charleston; Oppurg, Seville. Oleartd 3d, steamers Frutera, for Belize, Puerto Cortez, etc; Lovland, Banes; Esperansa, Havana, Progreso, AUianca. Cristobal; Fert, Philadelphia; Tuscarora, Port SaidfEdda, Klizabeth port-Sailed 3d, stmrs Phoebus, for Flushing; Cller, St. Kitts; Clara, Tampa; Glenwood, Fernandina; Joseph J. Port Antonio; Zacapa, Colon; Esperansta, Havana; Cuyahoga, Venice: La Bre-tagne, Havre: Ibuisiana.

Naples: C. F. Copenhagen; Loveland, Banes; AQianca, Cristobal; Tennyson, Rio. Janeiro. PHILADELPHIA, Feb.

3. Arrived, stmrs Haigb Hall (Br), from Bombay: Enerfie (Ger), Shields; Huelva (Br), Huelva: Mohican, Norfolk, etc; schrs Henry Withington, Rock port, Maine; William K. Park, Wilmington, Del, Cleared 3d, stmrs Royal Prince (Br), for New York; Pawnee, New York; Pennoil (Ger), Dover (for Marianna (Aust), Point-a-Pitre. Guadeloupe; Sidra (Br), Havana; Tuscan, Providence, etc. New York, Norfolk, etc.

PORT EADS, Feb. 3. Arrived, stmrs Virginia (Aust), from Tampa; Comus, New York. Sailed 3d, stmrs Texas (Dan), for Linham via Port Arthur. Norfolk and Dunkirk; City of Mexico (Nor), Vera Cruz via Tampico: Sansend (Br), Bordeaux via Norfolk; Osceola (Br).

Rio Janeiro. SAVANNAH. GA Feb. stmr Parisian (Br), for Liverpool. Sailed 3d, stmrs Brika (Br), for Hamburg; Indiana (Br), Pensacola; Charlotte Blumberg (Ger), Cardenas: Nacoochee, New York; City of Augusta, Boston.

Foreign. Porta. ANTWERP, Feb. 1. Sailed, stmr Amlral Fouri-chon, for San Francisco.

BARCELONA, Feb. 3. Arrived, atmr America, from Savannah via Norfolk. CARDIFF. Feb.

2. stmr Johannes Buss, for Pensacola. COLOMBO, Feb. 3. Arrived, previously, stmr Baron Cawdor, from Norfolk via Port Ntal for Hiogo.

COLON, Feb. 2. Arrived, stmr Moltke, from New York via St. Thomas. GENOA, Jan.

31. Arrived, stmr Captain W. Menzell, from Gulfport via St. Michaels. Arrived 3d, stmr America, from New York.

GIBRALTAR, Feb. 3. Arrived, stmr Arabic, from New York via Funchal, etc, for Naples, etc LEGHORN. Feb. 2.

Arrived, stmr Peruida. from Newport News via Naples. LONDON," Feb. 3. Arrived, etmrs Mesaba, from New York: Iris, Fernandina.

Sailed 3d. stmr Minnehaha, for New York. Sailed 2d. stmr Sardinian, for St. John, N.

B. MANCHESTER, Feb. Arrived, stmr Ness, from Savannah via Newport Newa. PRAWLE POINT, Feb. 3.

Passed, atmr Kurdistan, from Norfolk for Rotterdam. QUEENSTOWN, Feb. 3. Sailed, stmr St. Louis, for New York.

ROTTERDAM, Feb." 2. Sailed, stmr Astoria, for Philadelphia. SAGRES, Feb. 2. Passed, stmr Dora BaUern, from Newport News for Barcelona and Genoa.

8AVONA. Feb. 2. Sailed, stmr Cheyenne, for Philadelphia. 8T.MICHAELS, Feb.

2-SaiIed, stmr Marken, for Charleston. TRIESTE, Feb. itmr AIlcs, from New York vut Naples. TYNE, Feb. 3.

Sailed, stmr Caucasian, for Philadelphia. LATER NEWS OP IIB SHIPS, IV ANY IS RECEIVED, WILL BE POTJSD OS PAGE 2.1 SUES TO HAVE CANAL SOLD Trustees Want To Foreclose Ob The Albemarle And Norfolk, Fe6. 3. The Union Trust and Title Company, of New York, trustee, today filed a suit in equity in the United States Circuit Court here against the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal Company. It is for a foreclosure sale of the canal properties of the defendant company under mortgage executed July 1, 1879, to secure a 30-year bond issue of $500,000, default in interest and principarnpon which has been made according to allegations of tha bill of complaint against 51 defendants.

The Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal connects the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and those of Currituck Sound, in Eastern North Carolina, through Norfolk. There is also a second mortgage of $50,000 upon the property, which precedes In priority $500,000 in stock of the canal holding company. WORTH W. PORTER KILLED West Virginian Itode On. Railroad JTrestle And Fell 50 Peet.

ISpecial Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Huntington, W. Feb. 3. Worth W.

Porter, 50 years old, a wealthy farmer, while riding horseback to his home In Wayfie county tonight rode half way across a railroad trestle, thinking he was on a county bridge. In atempting to alight from his horse both fell a diBtance of 50 feet. Mr. Porter was prominently known in this section and was magistrate for 20 years. WEDDINGS IN THE TOGIinAS Cape Charles, Feb.

3. Miss Jessie Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Ward, was married to -John B. Floyd by Rev'. Nathaniel Hezekiati Taylor at Red Bank Church, Miss Macon Ward.

the bride's sister, was maid of honor, and dward Floyd, brother of the groom, was best. man. 0Tb ushers were Lea Dunton, Boobe Badger, Upshur Fowler awi Earl Underbill. -o. i Harrisonburg, Feb.

3. Mr. John P. Van Pelt, a Rockingham farmer, and Miss Ina Grace Spitzer, daughter cf Mr. Newton SpJtzer, were married yesterday by Rev.

A. W. Andes. Elopers Drive 30 Miles To Wed. -Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Winchester, Feb. 3. Defying parental objections, Joseph H. Snyder, of Wardensville, w. a contractor, and Miss Viola Miley, daughter of John It.

Miley, a cattle dealer, eloped last, night, and after traveling over lonely mountain roads 30 miles, were married in returning to Winchester today. Arrested After Negro Boy' Mnrder. Special Dlsitatch to the Baltimore Sun. Parksley, Feb. 3.

Charged with the murder of Fred Williams, the negro boy who was shot Sunday night and found by the roadside near Garnet Clayton, a negro about 20 years, old, was arrested this morning by Constable T. Byrd, and Justice John D. Watts later sent him to jail. The Louisiana Off For Trial. Norfolk, Feb.

3. The battleship Louisiana sailed from the Norfolk Navy Yard today for a 24 hours steaming trial at sea off the Virginia and Carolina coasts before proceeding to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to Join the Atlantic fleet. Fire Burns 21 Houses Of Negroes. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Suffolk, Feb.

3. Fire today destroyed 21 houses and a store In Jericho, a colored tnvolving a loss of $11,000, with but, Wile insurance. Some families lost gU tjielr property" except tke hj s. Newport News Middle Ground Lighthouse. J.

by FERDINAND YON STUMM wife and was a close personal friend of 1 JUDGE G. T. GARUETT DEAD He Cat His Finders Last Week And Blood Poisoning Followed. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Richmond, Feb.

S. Judge G. Taylor Garnett died at his home in Popular Grove, Matthews county, at an early hour this morning. His death was due to blood poisoning, caused from, cutting his fingers last week. Judge Garnett was born to Essex county.

He was educated at the Virginia Military Institute and was among the number of students who fought in the battle of New Market and was slightly wounded there, After being graduated in, law he moved to the county of Matthews, where he married Miss Ellen Browne, the daughter of col Christopher Browne. For 'many years he was Commonwealth Attorney-of Matthews county and later was elected Judge of the county courts of Matthews and Middlesex, which position he held until this system was abolished by the new Constitution. He was then, elected circuit Judge of the Thirteenth circuit. He was a member of the State Constitutional Convention. OTHER VIRGINIA DEATHS Harrisonburg, Feb.

3. Mrs. Harriett K. Pankey, 74 years old, widow of James A. Pankey, died yesterday of paralyaii She lea-vea two sons- Jesse and Horace Pankey.

'She was Miss Steger, of Buckingham county. Lynchburg, Feb. 3. The funeral of Mrs. lace this afternoon from Count Street Methodist nm4l.n.Ml.1l ion-mrnniwr Vh Bcrvlco was conducted by the pastor.

Richard H. Bennett. Burial was in the Presbyterian Cape Charles Feb. .3. After eating a hearty sapper, Sydney Watson, of Greenbackville, died, suddenly it the home of his brother-in-law, Hampton Evans, of this place, where he was vis iting.

Harrisonburg, Feb. 3. James W. Pence, 53 years old, an undertaker of Mount Olive; Rockingham county, died last night. He is survived by his widow, who was Miss Kate Tabb, and one son- Thomas Pence.

Harrisonburg, Feb. 3. Mrs. Mary Ann Ear- man, 85 years old, widow of John B. Barman, died Monday ia Charleston, S.

C. and was buried Tuesday at New Market, Shenandoah county. She was a native! of Rockingham county. Winchester, Feb. 3.

James M. Omdorff, 33 years old, son of William Orndorfl, who died near Winchester today, was the third member of the family to die cf tuberculosis within year. He leaves a young widow. Lynchburg. Feb.

3. Herman Lerner, 62 years old, formerly superintendent of the Mount Athos manganese mines near Lynchburg, died today at the City Hospital. He-leaves a widow and several children. Danville, Feb. 3.

Mrs. Fannie T. Coleman, wife of George T. Coleman, a traveling salesman. who is now in Atlanta, died suddenly at her home here today.

She was about 45 years old and a native of Winston, N. O. Danville, Feb. 3. Mrs.

Martha H. Marshall, 67 years old, died last night after a long illness. She leaves four sons and three daughters. She was a native of Ringgold county, where the burial will be made. Marttosburg, W.

Feb. 3. George F. Smith, 60 years old, a native of Jefferson county, but for 59 years a resident of this city, died this morning of paralysis. For a number of years bs was connected with the Bishop wholesale establishment here, and was wen known in business circles.

He is survived by three children Harry C. Bowen, Ephrahn Smith and Miss Clara Smith. Smallpox In Nesrro Driver's Home. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Lynchburg, Va.t Eight cases ot smallpox have been discovered by the health authorities.

The disease, it is said, has been In some of the families for more than a montn without being reported. One in stance was In the family of the negro driver or senator John w. Daniel, where two children have had the disease; while the father has frequently driven Major Daniel around the city. Every possible precaution has been taken to stop the disease. Killed Baffle That Toole His Lambs.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. irreaericksburg, Feb. 3. Meredith Kendall, of Orange county, killed an eagle that measured 8 feet and 4 inches from, tip to tip and weighed over 20 pounds. It was of the brown mountain variety.

It took five loads of No. 2 shot to kill It. Mr. Kendall has lost 12 lambs and he says the eagle killed them. 5 Shirt Factory For Fredericksburg.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. TeaericKSDurg, Feb, 3. The con tract between the city of Fredericksburg and Oppenheim, Oberndorf shirt manufacturers, of Baltimore, for a shirt factory in this city, has been signed. The council nas agreed to provide a site on which to erect the building, to be given free of rent for three years, Major Wallace's Will Filed. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun.

Fredericksburg, Feb. 3. The will of Major Thomas P. Wallace, former 'Mayor of this city, has been admitted to probate In the clerk's office of the Corporation Court here. The estate Is estimated to be worth $17,000.

Major Wallace leaves to his brother, A. Henderson Wallace, of Culpeper county, $8,000, and to his nieces and nephews, children of his brother, the late Uowson H. Wallace, of Richmond, $1,000 each, and to his nieces, the children of his deceased brother, Dr. William Wallace. $1,000 each.

There are other small bequests, i Has Baltimore Creditors. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Martmsburg, W. Feb, 3. W.

F. Rockwell, who for the last eight years has conducted a large novelty store here, today made an assignment for the benefit of Ms creditors, naming Attorney J. O. Henson as trustee. The liabilities are estimated at $1,000, while the assets are double that amount.

The creditors are chiefly Baltimore and Philadelphia wholesale houses. 26 FLED FROM HOTEL FIEE Proprietor Of The Bermlngkam And His Wife Were In jnred. Pittsburg, Feb. 3. The Hotel Berming- nam, feoutn bice, was destroyed, by a blaze early today.

Twenty-six guests were forced to flee down fire-escapes in their jiight clothes. Clayton Williams, proprietor, and his wife were seriously burned trying to prevent the fire. The loss was slight. QITAKRYMAN LOSES SIGHT Stone Pnt Ont One Eye Months Ago. -Like Accident To Other.

Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. York, 3. Eli II. Weaver has become totally blind. Several months ago he was struck by a particle of stone while working in a quarry and lost the sight of the left eye.

Recently, while engaged In breaking stone, another piece, struck him in the right eye, which caused him to lose the sight of this one also. An operation will be performed in an ef States largely because he had an American Mr. Roosevelt. GUNKING CLUBS DAMAGED Virginia Preserves Of Prominent Men The Cause Of The Trouble. Norfolk, Va Feb; 5.

Insurrection on a small scale has broken out in the duck-shootlsg regions of Princess Anne county and a special grand Jury and a special term of the county court be held to deal with the insurgents. About the last acre of the ducking grounds have been; secured as preserves mainly by rich New Yorkers and other Northerners, among whom may be mentioned! George J. Gould and W. P. Clyde.

The native hunters, who for years have been making a living by shooting ducks for the market, have lost their means of sustenance and are in rebellion. The property of the gunning clubs has been wrecked. The Ragged Island Gunning Club has suf fered most. There boats have been smashed and other depredations committed. That club, including In its membership Mr.

Clyde, Alvah H. Martin, national Republican committeeman for Virginia; Nathaniel Bea-man, president of the National Bank of Commerce, and C. Brooks Johnston, started the trouble by prosecuting one of the poachers on its domain. The Court will soon sit to punish offenders. Meanwhile hostilities continue.

TO ACCEPT $10,000 SITE: Member) Of Military Board Say Virginia Beach Will Get Range. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Norfolk, Feb. 3. While official ac I tion remains to, be taken by the State i Military lioara, lnrormation nas come irom members of the board that the free site offered ta Virginit Beach will be accepted as the permanent place of encampment ana State rifle range.

The site will be purchased for $10,000 and given by the Norfolk and Southern Railway giving half the amount; and citi zens of Virginia ueacn. ana isonoia tne remainder. The railway will also- spend $20,000 In extending its tracks to the site. The location has been pronounced an ideal one by military and sanitary experts. MAY IPSE EYES IF THEY LIVE Two Men In Norfolk Hospital After Explosion In: Portsmouth.

Special Dispatch' to the Baltimore Sutf. Norfolk, Feb. 3. Hurled 20 feet by the explosion of a vat of lime, today. George Carsting and S.

J. Felzlnger, worK-men in the shops of the Seaboard Air Line Railway in Portsmouth, are now in the Norfolk Protestant Hospital and will prob ably lose their eyesight if not their lives. The lime exploded as the men were lean ing over the vat pouring a tube of water on it. An poeration will be performed tomorrow In. an effort to save the feyes of the men should they live.

WILD CAT HI A BABBIT TRAP 1 And All Of Wardensville Turned Out To See Tne Prisoner. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Winchester, Feb. 3. Thomas B.

Wilson, a farmer, of Wardensville, W. canght a wild cat yesterday a trap ne had set for rabbits. He had a desperate encounter while he and his two sons were placing it In a box. The animal was shot, and the entire population of Wardensville gathered to see it. The cat, which weighed 65 pounds, was one of the largest ever seen in that section.

FOB A $250,000 SCHOOL Cornerstone Ot Norfolk's If e-nr Build ing1 Laid By Masons. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Norfolk, Feb. 3. Tne cornerstone or the Norfolk High School Building was laid this afternoon with Masonic ceremonies.

The. structure Is to be 276 feet by 112 feet, built In the form of an E. It is of three stories and a basem*nt, above ground, and when completed at a cost of $250,000, will be one of the most Imposing structures In the city. Proposes Civil Service For Police. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore, Sun.

Norfolk, Feb. 8. State Senator W. W. Sale, of Norfolk, will Introduce a bill the State "Legislature providing for an amendment to the State charter which will place the chief of the police department and the chief of the fire department under civil service.

IT'S WOMAN VS. WOMAN Stogie Factory Rnn By One Another Heads Strikers. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore" Sun. Wheeling, W. Feb.

3. It's woman against woman in the strike of the 250 girls employed in stripping tobacco in the Pollack stogie factories, said to be the largest in the world. On, one 6lde is Miss Gnssie Pollack, who manages the- and whose destinies she controls since the death of her father, Augustus Pollack, two years ago. and Miss Martha Majors, 19 years old. president of the strippers' union, -whQ Is directing the strike.

The strike la a week old today, -but neither side shows 'any signs of weakening. Attorney General's Case Postponed Welch, W. Feb. 3. The case of the State of West Virginia against Sam W.

Williams, Attorney-General of the State of Virginia, who Is charged with felonious assault on J. M. Saunders, former Judge of the Supreme Court of West Virginia, came up today defendant's counsel entered a motion for its continuance, which was grafted. y. The motion was based upon the neces sity of Attorney-General Williams' presence at Richmond throughout the session of the Virginia Legislature.

Farmers Pleased Witn Ins true Ion. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Blacksbursr. Feb. 3.

Representative farmers wllb attended the "Farmers' Short Course" at the State Agricultural College here have returned home pleased with their experience and the treatment accorded them. The four weeks of the course were di vided as to work the first two weeks were devoted to general farming and live stock husbandry the third week to dairying, and the fourth week to fruit growing. The lec tures were accompanied by practical demonstrations and actual work, in which all par ticipated. Old Transfers May Become Illegal. Special Dispatch to.

the Baltimore Son. Richmond, Feb. 3. Two mus Derore the Virginia House of Delegates have caused a ereat deal of general interest. One bill Is to punish persons offering transfers to street car conductors where the time limit has expired, the punishment to be fine or imprisonment.

The other bill Is to make it- a mlsde meanor to make a false statement in an ef fort to secure employment. Horse Carried Fire Into Stable. Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sun. Cape Charles, Fen. 3.

A horse at tached to a. rural mail wagon last evening made a dash for the stable. A lighted lantern left in the wagon exploded and set it afire. Thomas the driver, got there in V..

The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.