Colby Kultgen on LinkedIn: 5-minute habits that will transform your life in 6 months | 276 comments (2024)

Colby Kultgen

1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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What's the most powerful 5-minute habit you know?



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Colby Kultgen

1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content


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♻️ Repost this for a cookie (and to save it for later) 🍪

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Elijah Szasz

Apps, sites, & software for startups and the big companies they strive to become.


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Doing nothing is a lost art thanks to the smartphone. Now, nobody ever has to be bored. Not even for a minute. But being bored has value. → Motivates Action→ Stimulates Creativity→ Encourages Self-ReflectionDoing "nothing" still needs a wrapper for most people, which is why meditation can be so productive. Sometimes what looks like nothing on the outside has all sorts of stuff going on under the hood.

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Priyamvada S

I make feeling good and looking good easy for busy professionals. | Book your call through my featured section. | Mom, Coach, Marketing leader, Marathoner- ( 26.2* 5 , 13.1 *6) | Follow me on LinkedIN for daily tips.


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I plan my day the night before. I write down how much time I have and the tasks that need attention. Then I figure out what’s possible and what’s not. This has helped me manage anxiety, energy, performance and consequently, my time. No more days of feeling overwhelmed. Colby Kultgen

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Misha Rubin

>>Lead 100s Execs & CxOs to their next career heights: FastTracking, Reinvention, New Ventures, Biz Strategy || x-EY Partner || WWO Board Member + Humanitarian Award winner >>Follow me to win in corporate or reinvent


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My gratitude practice before falling asleep

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Ekwy Chukwuji

Gen-AI Advisor| Award-winning Entrepreneur| 3x Certified AI advocate| Speaker| Ex-L’Oréal| Ex-Formula 1| AI Automation Agency| Follow me for AI made easy to reduce waste, increase sales and simplify life.


The story-worthy moment habit definitely builds up the more you do it.

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Carl Soyez

9-figure Brand Leader | Ex L’Oréal | Founder of the Best Self Club | Top Voice | Follow me for daily posts on Professional & Personal Growth


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Deep meditation before I go to sleep empties my brain and preps me for a good night's sleep (along with stretching) Colby Kultgen.

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Nicolas Cole 🚢👻

I talk about digital writing, ghostwriting, and self-publishing. | Co-Founder Ship 30 for 30, Typeshare, Write With AI, Premium Ghostwriting Academy. | Author of 10 books.


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I've been doing the "Story-Worthy" moment practice for a while now, Colby and it gives me a ton of writing ideas. Such a good framework.

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Sam Szuchan

Founder @ Soleo. Ghostwriting for the world's most innovative B2B leaders. Clients include Series A/B SaaS firms, YC-backed startups, and 8-figure marketing agencies.


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Also include gratitude in your daily reflection.

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Dr. Christian Poensgen

Ultraproductive | Ranked #1 LinkedIn Creator in Productivity & Personal Growth | Follow for posts about habits, productivity & personal development


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Love Nr. 3, Colby Kultgen. Daily planning boosts productivity significantly.

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Ben Meer

The Systems Guy • Follow me for systems on health, wealth, and free time ⚡ Cornell MBA • 2M+ audience


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Exercise snacks are super helpful for me. Building them into a Pomodoro technique can unlock significant levels of productivity.

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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    How to get 15,000 hours of your life back.Yes, you read that right—15,000.If you were to reduce your screen time by just one hour per day for the next 40 years, that’s how much time you would save.Enough time to become a master at nearly anything. Enough time to build a thriving business. Enough time to make hundreds of memories with your loved ones.Here are the 5 steps that will get you there:1️⃣Put your phone in grayscaleWant to use your phone less? Make it ugly.Instructions (for iPhone):Go to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters.Turn on Color Filters and select Grayscale.2️⃣The “No-Power” HourEvery day (or at least a couple of days per week) set a 60-minute block where you don’t use any electronic devices (phone, laptop, headphones). Use this time to read, meditate, take a walk, or engage in a hobby.3️⃣Remove apps from your phoneI recently removed all social media apps from my phone. I do all of my morning LinkedIn work on my laptop, and then I forget about it for the rest of the day.Sometimes the best strategy is to not even give yourself the option.4️⃣Carry a book everywhereOne of my favorite places to read is in the gym (no, it’s not weird). If I’m going to stare at something between sets, it may as well be a book instead of my phone. Get in the habit of keeping a light book in your bag at all times.5️⃣Use an app like OpalOpal is an in-depth screen time tracker and app blocker. You can even set it to “shut-down” your entire phone in the evening before bed. I’ve been using it for about 6 months and I recommend it to people all the time.(not sponsored, I just like it)———P.S. I share the 5 best ideas I find each week in my Monday newsletter.🎁 Sign up now, and I'll send you a 2024 habit tracker:

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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    Cheap is almost always more expensive.Yes, you read that right.Cheap products come with hidden costs:- Repair time/fees- Poor customer service- Frequent replacementSave time and money by investing in quality.———✍️ What else should be on this list?♻️ Repost if you agree.P.S. I share the 5 best ideas I find each week in my Monday newsletter.🎁 Sign up now, and I'll send you a 2024 goal/habit tracker:

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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    2024 is half over.It's the perfect time to get back on track with your habits for the year.



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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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    I'm 32.Here are 3 things I would go back and tell my 22-year-old self:1. Focus on your relationships: Your loved ones won't be around forever. In the end, it's the time with them that you'll cherish most.2. Take care of your health early:"A healthy man wants a thousand things—a sick man only wants one."Prioritize your health before you're forced to make it a priority.3. Choose to be happy:Yes, happiness is a choice. Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl said:"Everything can be taken from a person but one thing:the last of the human freedoms– to choose one's attitude in any given set of circ*mstances."Coincidently, my friend Chris Donnelly is also 32, and recently shared this list of harsh truths he wishes he knew at 22.Which one resonates most with you?What would YOU tell yourself 10 years ago?♻️ Repost this if you enjoyed.

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  • Colby Kultgen

    1% Better | Former accountant, future author | Digestible & actionable personal development content

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    Why everyone should have a mental "Cookie Jar".When times get tough and self-doubt creeps in, I love to use this technique from former Navy SEAL David Goggins.The "Cookie Jar":This is a place in your mind where you store reminders of all the times you powered through, faced a fear, or overcame a roadblock in your life. When you feel self-doubt creeping in, "reach into your cookie jar" and remind yourself of your past successes.My challenge to you:Sit down and write three specific examples of past achievements you're proud of and store them in your mental cookie jar. Use them as fuel the next time you're facing a big challenge.image credit: Janis Ozolins———P.S. I share the 5 best ideas I find each week in my Monday newsletter.🎁 Sign up now and I'll send you a 2024 goal/habit tracker:

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Colby Kultgen on LinkedIn: 5-minute habits that will transform your life in 6 months | 276 comments (2024)


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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.