What Is The Answer For C = 12 (2024)

Mathematics High School


Answer 1

the answer is c= 12*3.14=37.68

Related Questions

plz someone tell me what 7x2 is




Step-by-step explanation:

Due to weather mark walk to school day of the 20 days in february what would be the fraction representation for the number of days he walk to school what will be the percent of the days in which mark walk to school


Tbe question doesn't state the number of days he walked to school out of 20 school days in the

Month of February.


Kindly check explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

To. Obtain the fractional representayion for the number of days he walked to school ;

Let the number of days he walked to school = 10 (this is an hypothesized value)

Number of school days in February = 20

Fraction = 10 /20 = 0.5

The percentage of times walked to school : multiply the fraction obtained above by 100%

0.5 * 100% = 50%

Just put the desired value and proceed uSing the steps described above.

A bag of flour weighs 15 kg. A baker has one bag of flour. She uses 1.065 kg every day. How much flour does she use in 8 days? How much flour is left over after 8 days?



She uses 8.52 kgs of flour in 8 days

There are 6.48 kgs of flour left over after 8 days.

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you need to multiply 1.065 by 8 to get how much flour she uses in 8 days.

1.065 times 8 is 8.52. She uses 8.52 kgs of flour in 8 days.

Now, to get how much flour is left over after 8 days, you need to subtract 8.52 from 15 kgs.

15 - 8.52 = 6.48 kgs.

6. Rewrite each of the following expressions without roots by using fractional exponents.

Please help! I have tried to look it up everywhere and I don’t understand how to do it. Anything helps!!



A. x¹/²

B. x¹/³

C. x¹/⁷

D. x⁵/²

E. x¹¹/³

F. 1 / x¹/⁴

G. 1 / x²/³

H. 1 / x⁹/²

Step-by-step explanation:

A. √x


√M = M¹/²


√x = x¹/²

B. ³√x


ⁿ√M = M¹/ⁿ


³√x = x¹/³

C. ⁷√x


ⁿ√M = M¹/ⁿ


⁷√x = x¹/⁷

D. √x⁵


√Mⁿ = Mⁿ/²


√x⁵ = x⁵/²

E. ³√x¹¹


ⁿ√Mᵃ = Mᵃ/ⁿ


³√x¹¹ = x¹¹/³

F. 1 / ⁴√x


ⁿ√M = M¹/ⁿ


1 / ⁴√x = 1 / x¹/⁴

G. 1 / ³√x²


ⁿ√Mᵃ = Mᵃ/ⁿ


1 / ³√x² = 1 / x²/³

H. 1 / √x⁹


√Mⁿ = Mⁿ/²


1 / √x⁹ = 1 / x⁹/²

There are 42 more red marbles in a jar than there are white marbles. If there are 238 marbles in the jar, how many of them are red and how many are white?


Answer: red marbles = 140

White marbles = 98

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the number of white marbles be represented by x

Since there are 42 more red marbles in a jar than there are white marbles, red marbles will be: = x + 42

Since there are 238 marbles in the jar, this can be represented in an equation as:

x + x+42 = 238

2x + 42 = 238

2x = 238 - 42

2x = 196

x = 196/2

x = 98

White marbles = 98

Red marbles = x + 42

= 98 + 42

= 140

Aiden got a loan for $600 that has a 5% simple interest for
2 years.



The simple interest is $60 for 2 years

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 600*0.05=30

2. 30*2=60

NOTE: Figure not drawn to scale.
Which statement can be used to prove that the triangles above are congruent?
A If two triangles have three pairs of corresponding sides that are congruent, then the triangles are congruent.
B If two triangles have three pairs of corresponding angles that are congruent, then the triangles are congruent
If two triangles have two pairs of corresponding sides that are congruent, and the included angles are congru
triangles are congruent.
If two triangles have to pairs of corresponding angles that are congruent, and the included sides are congru
triangles are congruent.



do you have a picture or somthing beacuse i dont understand what your asking

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: prove that two triangles with three congruent, corresponding angles are congruent, you would need to have at least one set of corresponding sides that are also congruent.

Step-by-step explanation:

Que funciones madre tienen su punto de inicio en el origen



Funciones radicales

Step-by-step explanation:

Funciones radicales Esto significa que el dominio y el rango de y = √x son ambos [0, ∞). El punto de partida o vértice de la función padre también se encuentra en el origen. La función madre y = √x también aumenta en todo su dominio.

Please help!
How are 3(3x+5) and -9x-15 equivalent to 9x+15?


Ik the first equation you just distribute three to north numbers and it’ll give you 9x+15 and in the second one you can distribute a negative 1 and it’ll give you 9x+15

HELP!!! answer quickly pls




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

Each of the green lines has 3 times the length of the corresponding blue line. Thus the dilution factor is 3.

A teacher surveyed her class after they had taken a vocabulary test. Elghteen of the students claimed they had studled
at least one hour for the test. The remaining twelve students admitted that they had not studied for the test at all. The
test results (expressed as a percent) for the two groups are shown below.
Studied: 87, 100, 94, 79, 92, 100, 95, 83, 89, 99, 100, 91, 89, 95, 100, 93, 96, 83
Did Not Study. 82, 72, 45, 91, 58, 83, 65, 87, 90, 77, 73, 89
Part 1: Calculate the mean of the group that did not study, rounded to the nearest tenth.
Part 2: Calculate the mean absolute deviation of the group that did not study, rounded to the nearest tenth.
Part 3: How many of the scores (from the group that did not study) are more than two mean absolute deviations from the



Crown the other person brainliest

Step-by-step explanation:


What is the order of these numbers from least to greatest?

4.03 4.3 4.003


The order is 4.003 then 4.03 then 4.3

Which order pair could represent the location of point h


What does the work look like first



It would be -108 feet

Hope this helps :)

(Would love brainliest)

can yu write a linear equation for this



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: 0.5x + 5 = 20Please mark as brainliest for future answers :)


Step-by-step explanation:

how do i write the product of q and 11 as an algebraic expression



since the product meaning multiplication, it basically means 11 (q) which is 11q.

Based on the table, which function models this situation?



F(n) =-3n+24

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the value of x.



The answer is 0.5!


Which table represents a linaer function



Top left table


the first one

Step-by-step explanation:

look at the picture if it does make sense let me know

Helppppp please it’s timed



Estimated population of New Hampshire is

A. 35,000





Where is the question? You didn't post it.

Plz only find the shaded area only I would appreciate if you did this on paper and showed all steps


The area of the shaded portion is 106 square m. I got this number by finding the area of the WHOLE figure (120 because that’s what 10 times 12 equals) then I subtracted that by the area of the white portion (14 because 7x2 equals that). Then I just subtract 14 from 120 and get 106. Hope this helps

Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators



Answer is 9/8

Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

9/4 - 9/8

9/4 x 2 = 18/8 to match denominators

18/8 - 9/8

= 9/8

Plz help I’ll give branliest plzzz



The two triangles are similar by SSS.

To find:

The value of x.


If two triangles are similar to each other by SSS, then the corresponding sides of the triangles are proportional.

It is given that [tex]\Delta ABC\sim \Delta DE F[/tex]. So,





On cross multiplication, we get





Divide both sides by -3.


Therefore, the value of x is 3.

Katia is baking. She uses 2 ⅛ cups of sugar for cookies and 1 ⅗ cups of sugar for a cake. How much total sugar did Katia use?




Step-by-step explanation:

because you add 2.125 (2 1/8) and 1.6 (1 3/5) to get 3.725

I sincerely need help because I don’t understand. please write an equation and how to answer AT LEAST one question.


C is incorrect because 1/5 divided by 4 is .05 and 1/9 is .111

a- correct
b- correct
c- incorrect
d- incorrect

help this is khan academy






Step by step:

v = l × w × h

v = 2 × 2× 5

v = 4 × 5

v = 20

Need help asap !!!! It also said round to the nearest tenth




Step-by-step explanation:

Area of a parallelogram:

A = bh

A = 63 x 90

A = 5670

Area of half-circle:

A = (πr²)/2

A = (π x 27²)/2

A = (π x 729)/2

A = 729/2π


5670 - 729/2π


donner l'écriture scientifiques des nombres ci-dessous
500 000 000=
650 000=
58 400 000 000=
0,000 6=
0,000 032=
0,000 000 072 3=



Step-by-step explanation:

salut :

500 000 000= 5× 10^8

650 000= 6,5 ×10^4

58 400 000 000= 5.84 ×10^8

0,000 6= 6×10^-4

0,000 032= 3.2 ×10^-4

0,000 000 072 3= 7.23 × 10^-8

0,000 000 072 3=7,23×10^-7

is y = 7/8x proportional or non-proportional??



It is proportional

Step-by-step explanation:

May have brainllest I only need 39 more to get to genius

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What Is The Answer For C = 12 (2024)


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