The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1956 CLASSIFIED 37 EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted -Female 32 7 OF practical nurse. with hospital experience for nursing home. Paid vacations sick leave RE 3-7149 Leading the came and toy manufacturer following positions op for office personnel. DICTAPHONE OPERATOR COMPTOMETER OPERATOR TYPISTS (willing to train for dictaphone) OPPORTUNITIES Ta offer gond wages, steady employnient. paid vacation holidays.

group Insurance, plus niRny fringe benefits. APPLY IN PERSON MILTON BRADLET CO. 71 Fark St. Splid. Maas.

Operator on Dresses SECTION PIECE WORK Experienced On'y STEADY EMPLOYMENT HOLTOKE DRESS CO. 395 Dwight St. STENCGRAPHER Immediate opening for a stenographer In saleg dept. Exp. desirable but not necessary.

Many employee benefits. All appliants apply at Employment Office between 9 and 4. CHAIN BELT CO. 359 Plainfield St. PRIVATE secretary, law, real estate general office work.

Shorthand typing necessary. -Apply in person. Atty, Louis H. Cohen, Im. 216, 115 State St.

PRACTICAL NURSE from 3-11 shift, Experienced with chronic patients. Interviews 12.30-1 or by appt. Call I. 1-1201. Hampden Nursing Home.

180 Beauchamp Chicopee Falls. PARTTIME waitress. Call between 2-4 RE 9-5079. PART TIME help wanted. Call Friendly Ice Cream.

T'ville RI RELIABLE woman to live in to help care for elderly lady light housework. RE 2-8050. RECEPTIONIST Tiigh school graduate, must be good typist, knowledge of shorthand helpful. Good salary all modern employee benefits. Personal interviews only.

Contact Mr. Del'ace, Household Finance 3d Nat'l Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER typist. Must have perience, 5 day week. Excellent working conditions, Apply A sociated Transport, 429 Memorial West Spild.

FECRETART.AT, position In modern office in W. Spfid. Reception, figuring. typing, filing. No shorthand necessary.

Reply Box 109 Union Office. FTENOGRAPHER-Experienced. Apply a person. Red Lion Store. 127 State 7t.

SECRETARY to sales greeting card firm, typing. shorthand. diversified duties. Excellent working conditions. Apply Sunshine Art Studios, 45 Warwick Spild, STENO-TYPIST-10 hour 3 day weekGood salary.

many extra benefitsin heart of downtown Springfield. Apply--Personnel The Indian Company. 29 Worthington Street, Sprincfield. Mass. SECRETARIES STENOGRAPHERS Needed.

due to expansion in our exe rutiva offices. Paid Blue Cross Group Insurance. Other benefits. Attractive working conditions. SAVAGE ARMS CORP.

66 Broadway, Chicopee Falls FHIRT. operator sIpeve fold. Apply Sunbright Cleaners. 754 Main West Spild. BALES LADY for better woman's wear.

Please phone for appt. Firenzi. Inc. Vernon St. RE 7-2881.

BILES WOMEN new deal. No competition. $100 per wik. easy, leads furnished. Car necessary, work your own hours.

previous experience calling on homes helpful but not necessary. Mrs. Nmith RE 2-8292, m. only, SODA fountain girl to take charge nights Sundays, must be good sandwich grill girl also part time foungirls. Excellent salary, uniforms furnished.

Apply Mr. Gaudet Whalen Drug cor. Bridge Main. FIURT PRESSER shirt folder. Apply in person Pioneer Valley Laundry, 137 Main St.

SEAMSTRESS-Exper. preferred for minor sewing such as seams, buttons etc. One who overates sewing ma-: chine, Steady employment. Apply Mirking. 2473 Main St.

THE TELEPHONE COMPANY HAS IMPORTANT AND INTERESTING POSITIONS Looking for 2. job you'll really like? Why don't you doin the friendly Telenhone family? You'll meet interesting people, with a company that's respected everywhere. TELEPHONE OPERATORS are always needed in Springfield, and often in other communities in Western Massachusetta as well. Must have high school training but no business experience required. CLERICAL JOBS Girls And women who have been trained for office work can frequently find just the atmosphere and opportunities for advancomert here that they have been looking for.

College training business experience SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES mAY qualify you for Business Office positiona in which you would be handiinz public contacts. Come In and talk to 118 about your pay, the regular raises, chance for advancement and other special benefits. you want work outside of Springfield. apply to the nearest Telephone Business Office. In Springfield, see us at: The Employment Office.

165 State Street Telephone: REpublic 9-1066 NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY WAITRESS wanted. Apply The Canton Restaurant, WANTED--Bookkeeper with some experience for Westfield insurance office, Pleasant working conditions, good futura. Please write giving qualifications, experience. references, to P. 0.

Box 503, Westfield. WOMAN with, experience references for ceneral housework. 1 Adult. Maple St. Live in.

RE 2-2019 between 3 10 A. m. or after 5. TITEFLEX INC. offers IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT Excellent working conditions A 5 well Paid Vacation, Insurance, Sick Leave and Personal Leave benefits to QUALIFIED KEY PUNCH OPERATORS (IBM) APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Mon.

thru Fri. 8 a. p. m. and Bat.


6PFLD. MASS. WAITRESS. neat efficient, 11. a.

m. to 6 p. m. Choice job for party. 8196 Alain St.

Apply in person Thomas Luncheonette. EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted--Female 32 WAITRESS-5 D. 7tt. to m. Apply in person, Valley View Rest, T'rille, Conn.

WANTED counter rirls MAN luncheonette. Apply "The Well." Aticin Spild. Monday, April 16 from WAITRESS wanted. board. and good wages.

Call Monson, Monial WAITRESS for day work. Apply Treats. Gateway Shopping Center. Cor. Wilbraham Breckwood Rive.

WAITRESS wanted, experienced. Sheraton Inn, Weatfield. 1.0 2-0705. WANTED 3 month replacement Slay thru Aug, for office clerk to start training immediately. Western Auto, 548 State St.

RE 0.9691. WAITRESS -It a. 111. ot D. m.

Apply in person only, after p. 111. Ding-lo Restaurant, 17 Ferry St. WOMAN. exparienced.

for, general office work. Knowledge typing and aptitude for figures essential. Permament position with mfg. concern in Indian Orchard, 5-day week, excellent Working conditions. Give experience and salary desired.

Reply to I'. 0, Box Highland Station, Springfield 9. Mass. WANTED interested in selling estate Longmeadow for reliable realtor. Box 113 Union Office.

YOUNG women wanted to work 11 A. More hours 'it m. Monday--Friday. desired. No experience necessary.

Apply Friendly Ice Cream, 10 Bliss longmeadow. 10 7-7580. Male Help--Salary 33 ATENTION collage students. Part-time Jum work. Will not interfere with curricuor studies.

May lead to full time sutler employment. RE 6-5413 2.30- 5.10 p. m. around presser wanted. Good pay, steady job.

Kaplan Cleaners, Phone 197W. Great Barrington, Mass. AUTOMOBILE metal worker. must be 1st inson class. Highest wages.

Apply RobRE 3-0300. Auto Body Co. 10 Freemont St. A-1 PAINTERS inside out. A Highest wages.

Apply Brandon Ave. off Roston Rd. AUTO matic. MECHANIC who knows hydraplus paid Top man will earn $2 per hr. vacation.

paid holidays and many other benefits. Springfield Nash. 883 Main St. A-1 first class finish carpenters. Highon est wages.

Steady work. Apply at job Brandon Ave. off Boston Rd. AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE And OVERHAUL Due to long range programming for expansion increased demand, for our services TY' are again able to offer openings for qualified men in this new industry. This is your opportunity 10 contribute and become A part of aviation progress.

MECHANICS AIRCRAFT SHEET METAL MECHANICS Openings for men with recent multi. engine experience. General knowledge of the whole aircraft necessary. CAA censes preferred but not essential. C-54, C-118, or C-121 experience helpful.

MECHANIC'S HELPERS SHEET METAL HELPERS These Are learner positions for hich school graduares have A a genuine interest in the aviation industry. AS Iparners they can gain experience in All phases of aircraft power plant their ability will carry them, with CA.A work and are limited only to the extent licenses as a final objective, mechanical history pas preferred. aptitude some mechanical work Apply 9-5 daily until noon Saturday at Personnel Dept. Bradley Field, Windsor Locks. Te ArA still growing adding FLIGHT ENTERPRISES INC.

"Foremost in Modern Aircraft Maintenance Overhaul." AUTO MECHANIC wanted. General Motors and Hydramatic experience preferred. Paid holidays. paid vacations. Many other benefits.

Apply in person. Genden 2387 Main St. ARE YOU INTERESTED In position which offers good wages, security, and an opportunity for advancement in sales executive capacities with A nationally known manufacturer in the Springfield area. Te require a capable young man experienced in office procedure. who types well, is acquainted with shorthand enjoys working with people for training in order detailing sales analysis.

If you have the qualifications listed above write Box 411 Union Office for personal interview. A LUBRICATION MAN Must be reliable efficient. Steady employment. good working conditions. Apnlv in person.

Mr. A. Smith Service Micr. Ralise Motor Sales 603 Columbus Ave. ARE YOU INTERESTED in outdoor work? We havA openings in our tablished retail bakery routes.


APPLY BOX 497 UNION OFFICE FOR INTERVIEW. AN alert man with some experience in electrical appliances parts service. Reply to Box 499 Union Office. AUTO MECTIANIC A-1. 2 more wanted general repairing.

A.11 makes, Long estab, independent garage. Good salary. Steady job. Overtime it wanted. Paid vacations, paid holidavs.

other benefits. Engelson's GAS Oil Service. 2283 Columbus Ave. Cor. Vine.

AMBITIOUS man wanted. interested in wales work. For large wholesale house. Must he high school graduate. willing to learn businegs desiring advancement.

We us offer hoenitalization, penaion plan Daid vacation benefits. Applv Armour 152 Lyman Springfield. between 1 RAKER wanted 40 hr. week. Apply 10 to 12 a.


NIGHT SHIFT. APPLY LIBERTY RAKERIES. 8 KENDALI. NEAR LIRERTY CAREW. BECAUSE we are expanding, we offer an excellent opportunity for an experitop wages, paid holidays.

enced auto body repair a man. Earn Insurance benefits. Apply in only. Atlas Auto Body, Inc. 390 Main St BODY M.AN -completely experienced.

$100 wk. to right man. Good working conditions. No alcohol. Apply Herh's Auto Body, 400 Main WV.

Spfld. RUS BOY over 21. Apply Town Room Sheraton- Kimball. AUTO lubrication man. WA need an experienced man.

who wants A steady job. See Mr. Murphy at Warriner P'ontiac Co. $60 Main St. ABC EMPLOY.

258 WORTHINGTON BAKER (SUMMER RESORT) COOKS DON'T PHONE A former industrial concession or Coca Cola contact man wanted with personnel contacts of personnel managers in industry factorys etc. Salary, full or part time. Give complete information regarding background. Box 2543 Union Office. A STEADY year round morning route open.

Industrial catering driver-salesman, Dependability required. 4-8201 A driver. 25 years or OVer. full time. Call ABC Taxi Co.

LY 4-6688 between A. m. 4 p. m. BAKERY cleaner.

steady part time work week days 3.30 to p. m. Apply Liherty Bakeries. 8 Kendall St. near Liberty Carew.

CAMERA MAN -Experienced an line half. tone. Needed for lithograph plant. Permanent position, RE EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 BOOKKEEPER qualified person to handle complete office management in auto dealership. Call or moo Mr.

Hersolli Bergelli's Ford Sales. Mona, Mass, ('O 7-3233. CHAUFFEUR Houseman, butler: permsilent full time. live m. Small privata family, Amherst.

Willingness to learn good references, Write full information to Bo: 2710 Union Office. OANADA DRY needs nun for plant labor. Must have drivers license, letprences. This 19 vear round work. 225 1 Page Bivd.

GENERAL. warehouse man. Call RE for epp't. CARPENTERS helpers call REC 5-5478 between 7 8 111. COLLECT Excellent opening for experienced man.

Furniture household routes. Saykin Furniture, Weatfield. An exceptional opportunity to make COLLEGE students Tor, work. outstanding earnings. Wor Interview.

Write Box 118 Union Office. CONSTRUCTION laborer with dump truck driving experience. MASON tesder, must he exper. Anply 1033 So. Branch Spfld, Kimball Hotel, 140 Chestnut St.

COOK wanted apply to chef CITEMIST SPECTROGRAPHER Growing organization engaged in! the production of aircraft. component parts Induatrial products has an opening for A graduate: CHIEF with 3 or more years of actual experlence with a spectrograph. Position involves assisting chief metallurgist in the administration of a modPUI well equipped material control laboratory. Opportunity for advancement. Send salary requirement to Mr.

F. J. Gosselin Assistant Personnel Director. TITEFLEX INC. Hendee St.

Springfield. Mass. COMMERCIAL ARTISTS wanted for textile engraving full or part time. Apply Mr. Rosen of Rosen Textile Engraving Corp, (Just over new South End Bridge at Rotary) Agawam, Mass.

CLERK TYPIST or manifest clerk. some knowledge of Eastern Central rates helpful but not necessary. Draft exempt. hours 2 r'. P.

lion. thru Fri. Steady employment plus health benefits and plenty of room for advancement. Reply in person, Middle Atlantic Transportation Clinton St. Spfld.

RE 4-1122. CASUALTY UNDERWRITER Insurance Company located southwestern part of New Hampshire has position with good opportunities for advancement for experienced auto and general liability underwriter with 3 or more years experience. Write to Oharles Howard, NationAl Grange, Mutual Liability Keane, N. H. DRAFTSMEN L.I TOUT MEN DETAILERS Must have at least 2 yeara experience detailer 5 ears experience an layout man.

Good salary, excellent working conditions. APPLY WESTINGHOTSE CORP. 653 PAGE MASS. Grattan St. Chicopee Falls.

DIE MAKERS 1st class. Steady work. Gond working conditions. National Metal Specialties 69 Pease St. DRIVER year around work.

Apply 309 DRAFTSMEN ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS (Model Builders) TOOL, DIE MASERS Model Makers) ELECTRONIC FIELD INSPECTION REPRESENTATIVE ATIVE for opportunitiea in RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS eral sick leave, hospital benefits. retirecation a and eight per year; libMany benefits, including: 24 day's VAment program. Relocation allowance. Send resume or write for application to: General Employment Section 223 SANDIA CORPORATION Albuquerque, NAw Dexxico DIE MAKER3 FIRST CLASS $23.60 PER HOUR UP FIRST SHIFT APPLY INTERNATIONAL STAMPING 60 WILRRAHAM RD. DRIVER.

for florist truck. Muat bA reliable know streets. (Vm. Wenk 'Son. 128 Hanco*ck St.

EXPER. furniture truck driver. Must have years of experience worked in 8 furniture atore. Ilighest wages paid 10 the right man. Steady work Must have references.

Max (kum Furniture Co. Inc. Main St. RE 2-7179. EXPERIENCED short order cook for days Apply the California Lunch, 187 Main St.

Holyoke. EXPERIENCED salesman to sell used cars for A. new car agency. Salary commission plus other benefits. See Mr Hatch, 1043 Main St.

corner of Park. No phone calls. EXPERIMENTAL machinist de lathe hand. Good pay, henefits etc. Fixperienced only need apply.

Ken- Mar Tool Inc. 168 Elm Agawam IF 9-8267. ENGINEERING ASSISTANT To work in small engineering office in All phases of roadway and drainage, in tha field and in the office. Some background in engineering mathematics and engineering experience. (Valuable experience for anyone interested in highway construction work).

Ideal p0- sition for engineering atudent whose education has been interrupted. 40 hours, M. Group Insurance, paid vacation. sick leave and retireplan. Apply to Town Manager, Windsor, Conn.

for application forms. EXPER. route delivery truck driver. for beverage deliveries. Steady work.

Good pay other benefits. Apply 1777 Boston Mass. EXTRA CASH, sell shoes. We show you how. Exclusive magic cushion.

1461 Styles. Steady repeats. No investments, big commission, bonus, no experience, free outfit, samples. Paragon Shops. Mr.

Nola. Sheraton- Kimball Hotel, 1-7 D. m. Sat 10-12 a. m.

EXPERIENCED manager for service station. Apply to Maury's Service Station, Columbus Ave. EXPERIENCED Body Man, combination man preferred. Good working conditions. paid vacation.

Apply City Hall Auto Body. Chicopee, LY 2-1969. EXPERIENCED construction super 10 run single housing development in greater lIartford are. Fine opportunity permanent employment for right man with a large company. Box 479 Union Office EXPERIENCED station attendanta wanted apply Gulf 480 Sumner Ave.


M. 0. R. OOTE 556 ST. JAMES AVE.


JAMES VIC. auto glass man, l'aid vacation, group Insurance raid holidays. Apply In person Atlas Auto Trim 510 Main. EXPER. Bulldozer operator.

Run a 10 wheeler, JC 2-2103. FURNITURE salesman in liolyoke. Must be aggres, who will go after bus. State age, eXp. and connoct.

Dox 0031 Holyoke Union Office. FIREMAN END CLASS. 3 '11) 11.30 sh*t. PERMANENT WORK. BENDFITS.


FIRST CLASS LATHE MAN FIRST CLASS TOOL MAKERS FIRST CLASS DIE MAKERS All AROUND MACHINIST Guly first class men with job shop eXperience need apply. Call JE for appointment. GASOLINE SERVICE station desires for full time work. Some exp. desired.

Inquire Riverview Atlantic Service, River Rd. de School Agawam. GROCERY OLORKS Tittle experience necessary in Super MIkt. operation. day week.

Group insurance, paid holidays, excellent working conditions. Good chanre for advancement, opening in Holyoke A gawam. Contact Mr. Abrahms at the Holyoke Fond Mart, 203 South Holyoke. HELPERS to erect awnings.

50 hr. week pays $63.25. Apply In person. The Meyer 100 Alderman Spild. HERDSMAN with small family Must be All excellent milker know feeding breeding for high production 42 purebred Jerseys milking.

Modern farm house Good pay for right man with good references. P. O. Box 135 Wastfield. HEADS UP! Retail Sales Trainee.

Carlisle lardware Co. hag many excellent sales trainee openings. Apply Carlisle Hardware Co 1348 Main St. 5th employment office. INSPECTION SUPERVISORS Immediate openings in large local plant for inspect.

supervisors. Must be fully exp. in supervision and in operations of RECEIVING INSPECTES or in TOOL, and GAGE INSPECTION. Submit detailed resume And salary desired to Box 493 Union Office. TWIST I could can find take a man a few who needs headaches.

And is willing to work hard. Box 119 Union Office. IF YOU ARE FED UP WITH LAY OFFS NEEDED--A rood lathe for the maintenance department of A. local shipping container plant. First shift work considerable overtime, vacations, health welfare, pension, etc.

Enjoy everything you can get anyplace plus steady work. In your answer tell u8 of your experience, expected rate of pay. BOX 498 UNION OFFICE IBM OPPORTUNITIES AS CUSTOMER Applicants with electrical and Alec. tronic experience or training are needed. Pull Salary while training.

Excellent opportunity for advancement based on ability. Excellent company paid insurance. pension, hospital plan and sickness benefits. Friday. Interviews available Monday through International Business Machines Corp.

Telephone RE 4-2176 173 State St. Springfield, Mass. IF use YOU you are an extrovert. local dairy can on a milk route. Salary commission, good pay, 5 day week.

Able weeks vacation. Dust be willing ried to sell our top byproducts. MarOffice. man preferred. Box 2530, Union IMMEDIATE OPENINGS In IBM for an experienced IBM TARULATING MAOHINE OPERATOR Excellent working conditions well A .3 Paid Vacation.

Leave, Personal Leave benefits. Insurance. Sick Mon. thru APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Fri. 8 A.

m. -5. m. and Sat. 8 a.

m. to 12 NOON TITEFLEX. INC. Hendee St. Mass.

INTELLIGENT. clear thinking man to learn bakery shipping position. Steady work. Apply in person. Magaziner's Bakery, 1132 Dwight St.

between 12 and 2. IMMEDIATE opening for accounting opportunity. Degree in business preferred. Many benefits including insurance, pension, vacation APPLY I AT GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. with pay.


Cosed Mondays. Thursday mornings and all day Apply on the balcony. LAST CALL for 3-YEAR APPRENTICE COURSES Classes Start Monday. May 7th Hera's a real opportunity if you would likA to receiva 3 years of training to become a Machinist or Jet Engine Metalsmith- with the fast expanding aircraft industry. you quality, we'll give you 6000 hours of thorough training in elther of (he above skills.

As you learn, you'll earn -start at 4 good rate of payreceive increases every six months A8 you satisfactorily progress. Alter graduation you'll gO into our departments AN a skilled, well-paid aircraft worker General Requirements Tou should he 18 to 21 years old. You must be 8 high school graduate or equivalent. ACT NAVI BecausA of 111e eArly atart of this class, applications cAn he accepted only through April 30. So act IMMEDIATELY.

Come in SO TV A CAn tell 011 more about the subjorta covered, describe the advantage of taking these courses. Apply Employment Office Waakdays, 8 A. M. to 4.30 P. M.

Saturdays, 8 A. M. 12 Noon PRATT R- WHITNEY AIRCRAFT Division of United Aircraft Corporation East Hartford 8, Conn. EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 PULL TIME DIVERS. Apply In perg01.

City Cab Sargeant St. JUNIOR EXECUTIVE nationwide organization has opening in Springfield area for a man with de good background, intelligent. ambitious and personable. Men engaged in this division now have earnings $1000 to $13,000. Complete training program provided.

Salary bonus arrangementa. Send data (Olcerning marital status, employment record, education and references to Box 492 Union Office. JOUNSON'S BOOKSTORE wants a fellow with pep for errands. Closed Mondays And Thursday mornings. Apply 41t the balcony.

LABORATORY Technician Will High School Educ required. Also 2 Men needed for receiving shipping dept. Hercules Powder Grattan Willimansett. TIMBER YARD men drivers. Experienced only.

Apply at Kelly-Wradet Lumber Co. willing LANDSCAPE workers labor -Exp. reliable and only. Call RE 2-1759 after 6 p. m.

MEN WANTED MILTON BRADLEY CO. 74 Park St. Incal manufacturing plant has several openings for experienced factory help. P'ermanent work, paid vacations nolidays, insurance, plan. A other ployee benefits.

Apply in person. DU MECHANIC- Prefer man with Ford exporience and Fordomatic knowledge. Paid holidays and hospitalization. Excellent working conditions. Pay to right man.

Ray Suzor. Harold Kent Ford, Chicopee Falls. MAN--To assist service and parts managers in Ford Dealership. P'aid holidays and hosp. excellent working conditions.

See Mr. Suzor. Harold Kent, Ford, Chicopee Falls. MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Growing organization engaged Ins the roduction of aircraft component parts ndustrial products has openings for graduate mechanical engineers. Positions Involve specializing in project design development of aircraft component parts, bellows ignition harnesses, flexible hose, etc.

Opportunity for advancement. Send resume salary requirement to Mr. F. J. Gogselin, assistant personnel director.

TITEFLEX INC. HENDEE ST. Mass. METALLURGIST Metallurgist Jr. Growing organization engaged in the production of aircraft component parie industrial products has an opening A graduate with metallurgical experience.

Position involves development projects plant metallurgical processes. Must be able to analyze various types of. metallurgical problems. make reports analsis, oversee the air force control syStem on technical processes. etc.

Opportunity for advancement. Send resume salary requirements to Mr. F. J. Gosselin, assistant personnel director.

TITEFLEX INC. Handed Mass, MARRIED man for general farm work must be good machine milker. Good references as to personality experience required. House, large Earden, chicken house, good ages, etc. A.

G. Hansen, 2409 Northampton Holyoke. Tel. JE 4-4234. M.IN to mnake deliveries in light panel truck work in warehouse.

Apply 11 Park St. MEN Operate your own business in an established territory, selling a product in big demand. If you have automotive PXperience and can furnish a truck, we will finance you. Reply state name. address, telenhone.

experience, and health to: Box 554 Union Office. MAN with mechanical ability to grease service busses. Apply Mr. Pajer, The Blue Line. 21 York St.

MACHINIST 1ST CLASS--General job shop work. Must set-up. .11: 3-2883 Anderson Tool" 97 Winsor Ludlow. METHODS ENGINEER Man with methods de time study eXperience. Good opportunities for promotion.

Apply employment office. A. G. SPALDING CO. MEADOW ST.

CHICOPEE, MASS. MAN to work in stockroom. Steady eniploy. Good work cond. Chance to advance it work is satis.

Personal interviews only. F. T. Woolwrtoh 1 Main H. McEwen, manAgor.

MAN for housecleaning work, 40 hour week. steady work. Apply Personnel Forbes Wallace. MEAT MANAGER for super inkt. Must be capable and exp.

in self-service meats, Top salary. Good work. cond. 5 day wk. Box 491 Union Office.

NEAT appear. young man. (Over 23) for pick up and delivery and in plant work. Apply in person. Standard Photo Service, 188 Liberty St.

NATIONAL CONCERN wants man with recent college training for attractive future in auto financing fleld. Good galary, regular increases. Car DIOvided. See Mr. Kuper, commercial credit, 340 Bridge St.

between 10.30 12 a. m. NATIONAL protection organ, desires mAN for night work AR guard steady start $.0 incr. Avery 3 mo. period 18 mo.

Must pass physical. No exp. nec. We train you. Box 101 Union Office, OPPORTUNITY Expansion, growth and anecialization of present represontatives provides excentional opening for A professional career.

Complete training and supervision. Salary and commission basis. Renewal commissions guarantee future earnings. High character background most important. No limitation on future earnings.

No travel. Confidential personal interview given all applicants. All replies given careful consideration for immediate or future openings. Send experience and personal history to Box 12A Union Office. ORDERLY: Experienced, mature, For hosp.

Care of aged men. Spfld. Municipal 1100 State St. Tel. RE 6-1851.

APPRENTICE DRAFTSMAN E. Dickerman Mfg. Co. 321 Albany St. OPENINGS For alert chemical operators in large rApidly expanding chemical Rotating excellent personal High school education naressary.

APPLY 1.30 to 4.30 p. m. only toSHAWINIGAN RESINS CORP. 614 MONSANTO 1. 0.

OPENINGS DIE MAKERS MACHINISTS SURFACE GRINDER PINOH PRESS SET UP MAN PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS EMPLOYMENT Male Help Salary 33 OIL BURNER service mAn and, furnace installer with experience and references. To, pay. Year around employment Holland Furnace 93 Taylor St. RE 6-7271. POSITION AVAILABLE Man with broad knowledge of mAchamical processing system to set up IBM inventory, planning production to 10 Veals experience.

Send resume and salary requirements to I'. 0. Box 65, Holyoke, Mass. PLASTER MOLD MAKERS wanted at once. Experienre not required.

We will train Apply in person only. Springfield Cast l'roducts, Switzer Ave. off Berkshire Spfld. PAINTERS experienced only. Apply 1319 Allen St.

7.30 a. or Call RE 2-1621 PART TIME parking lot attendant. 8 m. Steady employment. Victoria Tire 70 Dwight St.

Part Tine Halesman to Sell Timed Cars. Apply In l'praon to A. D. 311 Columbus Near the South land Bridge. PHOTOGRAPHER EXPERENCED IN HOME SETTINGS FOR STEADY JOR.

BOOKINGS. TOP PAY. DU WORTHINGTON ST. RETIRED MAN Light PRAY suminer work in Forest Park. Apply at Pony Ring.

Forest Park. REG. PHARMACIST wanted. Exper. Good hours salary.

Feeding Hillg Pharmacy. RELIABLE COOK wanted. Apply in Peraon Lakeside Inn. Boston No. REGISTERED PHARMACIST full time.

Call RE 0-5571 SALES ENGINEER. Recent graduate engineer, to work in branch office of national concern. Training on job. Experience not necessary. Salary plus Incentive program.

Call RE 9-6360. SALESMEN -Age 25-60 preferred. National organization has openings this area for two neat appearing high caliher men. Specialty experience preferred. Introduce specialized financial service and solicit accounts Business-Professional men.

Excellent opportunity advancement. Outstanding commissionbonus arrangement. weekly draw qualified men. Write Box 2357, Union Office. SERVICE ENGINEER National Packaged Boiler Manufacturer requires Service Engineer with electrical background.

Merchant Marine experience preferred. Age preferred. All replies coufidential, Write 2325 Union Office, giving full personal resume and experience. SANDWICH grill man for nights Sundays. Good salary to right nan Apply Mr.

Gaudet, Whelan Drug Store, cor. Bridge Main. SIGN PAINTER-Part time. Work own premises. No free lance.

Must be able to handle free brush lettering. Bring samples. Excellent part time oppor1348 tunity. Apply Carlisle Hardware Main St. Spfld.

6th employment office. SCHOOL bus driver. Part time from a. to 8.13 a. In.

and 2.30 p. m. to D. m. C.

H. Delaney, Somersville. Conn. SALES CORRESPONDENT To provide home support t.o customers salesmen. Previous correspondence or underwriting experience preferred.

Large national concern. RE 9-4736. SHIPPING CLERK No. exp. rec steady work.

Forest Mfg. Co. 34 Hampden St. SALES CORRESPONDENT To provide home office service support to customers salesmen. Previous correspondence or underwriting experience preferred.

Large national concern. Call RE 9-4736. TRAVELING SALESMAN Nationally advertised line with established counts for over 30 years want young man with car. Good opportunity--unlimited earning possibilities. Box 477 Union Office.

TRANSPORT trailer driver experienced in petroleum products. Hampden Coal oil Co. RE 9-4711. TRUCK DRIVER for steady job for wholesale concern. Apply in person.

Reference. Franks 27 Lyman St. Tender wanted to work. with crew using an E-Z-on plastering machine call T'ville RI 9-8376 or 9-3165 after 7 D. m.

TOOL MAKERS MACHINISTS HANDS PINE MEADOW MACHINE CO. WINDSOR LOCKS NA 3-0435 TYPIST -Part time, experienced for billing and trucking concern. 5 Nights per wk. Approx. 4.30-7.30 D.


PERNICE-EMPLOYMENT PERKINS MACHINE GEAR CO. CIRCUIT WEST MASS. TRAINEE TRAINEE-MANAGER-Opportunity Opportunity for fast advancement depending upon ability. Meal furnished, vacation with nay after 1 yr. bonus system.

Starting pay $60. Apply in person. Richard's Drive-In Restaurant, 630 Riverdale W. Spfid. TITEFLEX.

INC. Offers PERMIANENT JORS AT TOF WAGES And Excellent working conditions as well as Paid VacAtion, Insurance, Sick Leave And Personal Leave benefits. to QUALIFIED: LAYOUT DRAFTSMAN DETAIL DRAFTSMAN CHECKERS JUNIOR METALLURGIST APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Mon. thru Fri. 8 A.

p. m. and Sat. 8 a. m.

to 12 NOON Hendea St. 1 Masa. TITRFLEX INC. WANTED TOOLMAKER DIEMAKER GAGEMAKER Experienced only Job Shop Work. 50 hour week all benefits.

THE OSLUND TOOL A Dik Co. 14 Sigournay Ct. JA 7-0713 WANTED WOULD like to 1alk to men who Are mechanically Inclined for permanent position. Opportunity to earn about $96. per wk.

to atart. Apply 11 A. m. or 3 p. Saturday April 14th at 131 William St.

WE will hire 3 men WA ATA willing to world hard for A. good income. Apply room 212 290 Worthington St. 8.00 A. m.

only. WANTED Er' SALESMEN PER WITH PERMANENT A FUTURE POSITOINS IMMEDIATE HIGH EARNINGS Made possible by expense paid CHRYSSALES FACTORY TRAINING P'ROGRAM at Springfield. Qualifications ATA pleasing personality, neat Aound character, willingness to work hard. Selling experience needed, but Auto experiences not necessary. SALARY BONI'S Tor interview contact R.

ANDERSEN at Hotel SheratonKimball Fri. 9 to 8 p. m. and Sat. 9 a.

m. to 11 a. m. EMPLOYMENT Male Heln--Salary $3 WANTED -Experienced truck passenger tire changer. Apply Firestone Tire Center, 178 Ches nut St.

for WAREHOUSE man. excellent opportunity young man with large company, take complete charge of warelouse. RE 6-2737 for appt. WANTED sign painters helper, and aign builder, handy with tools. RE 3-7381 or RE 9-2403.


man to operate light truck for parcel delivery in -good Springfield salary and suburbs. 17 hour week with henefits. Inquire in person between the hours 10-12 d. In. or 4-5 p.

m. SHAKOUR LABORATORIES INC. 11-13 Stearns Springfield. WAREHOUSE MAN. Carlisle has openings for general warehouse man, Good starting salary.

Time And one half over 40) hra. Family hospitalization. vacations with pay. Many other PXcellent company benefits. Apply Carlisle Hardware On.

1745 A Main St. 5th employment office. WANTED: Married man to work on dairy farm, for general work milking. Cottage house with all conveniences, milk. fuel, lights furn.

Personal interview and ref. JOSLIN HILI, FARMS, 40 Joslin St. Leominster, Mass. WANTED: 4d or 3d Class Engineer for shift work. $2.10 per hour.

40 hrs. per week. Apply J. G. David.

Chief Engineer. University of Mass. 4 EXPER. DONUTBAKERS APPEAR IN PERSON. MR.

WALSIT. 26 CHURCH HARTFORD, CONN. Male Help--Salesmen 33A REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted. Must have car and financial ability. Commissions only.

Harvey Realty, 113 State Springfield FLOOR SALESMEN, for our television appliance dept. main store operation. No outside work. 5 day raid Vacations, group insurance retirement benefits. Oprortunity for advancement.

Specialized sales experience necessary. Salary commission. Apply to Mr. George Clark, Ard. fir.

Appliance offire, Carlisle Hardware 1348 Main Spfid. MAJOR New England Co. expand. its sales force seeks recent ed college graduate to call on industrial accounts in N. England.

Salaried position plus car and traveling exp. Reply Box 2558. linion Office. SALESMAN HAVE OPENING FOR ONE MAN TO WORK WITH MANAGER. PHONE 3-4083.

SALESMEN Expanding nationwide organization offers genuine opportunity for 3 men interested in saleswork to cover Western Vermont Conn. SALES EXP. UNNECESSARY Car and Neat Appearance Essential COMPENSATION ABOVE AVERAGE Apply in person only-Wed. to Fri. 12-2 p.

Oaks Hotel, 700 State St. Dr. DeSantis. SHOE SALESMEN will tra'n. Apply Thom McAnn Shoe Store, 1448 Main St.

Help--Male or Female 34 CYLINDRICAL grinder operators. Tool cutter grinder operators. Milling machine operators. T. D.

Tool Bridge Three Rivers, Mass. Palmer 51. DAY EVENING -Part time positions, now available at the Friendly Ice Cream store, 628 Liberty St. Call RE: 6-9513 for app't. EXC.

opportunity for beauty salon ager for one of New England's most modern beauty salons. Apply England Brothers, Personnel Pittsfield. CLERK-TYPISTS SECRETARIES DRAFTSMEN TOOL DESIGNERS ELECTRONIC ENGINEERS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS PRODUCTION ENGINEERS MACHINE SETUP PRODUCTION OPERATORS These are all good jobs with excellent working conditions henefits. Trite or call our employment office. GENERAL INSTRUMENT CORP.

F. w. Sickles Div. 163 Front St. Mass.

F. W. SICKLES Has openings in several office production department. 1t you qualify by reason of experience training for Any of the following, contact us immediateby RE 3-6621 ADVANCED hair stylist wanted for large air conditioned salon, top wages. RE 7-3585.

EASTER BILLS TO PAY? VACATION MONEY TO SAVE? Why not work for the Waldorf Cafeteria 15.73 Main St. if you are A counter per8011 or a cook, and can work either full-time or part-time--see Mr. Watson for an interview, LAUNDRY Press Dept. Supervisor trainer. This person must expo rienced laundry press operator with leadership abilities.

Good pay. 6 holidays, free insurance. Apply in person only. Royce Superior Laundry, 01 Clinton Spild. in full time work for company.

PARSON -MALE OR female, interested Work consists of general office work, etc. Box 112. Union Office. Situations Wanted -Female 36 ALI. TYPES OF TYPING DONE at home, Call LY 3-3048.

A practical nurse hosp. have LY 4-6093. BOOKKEEPER STENOG. diversified exp. excellent refs.

wants responsible position in small office. Box 483 Union Office. CAPABLE girl day housework. $7 and carfare, RE 9-4004. EXPERIENCED girl desires day work.

ST 8-7995. HIGH SCHOOL Senior desires part-time office work. RE 3-3192. NURSERY School Teacher, interested in part-time teaching. Exp. preschool kindergarten age. ST 8-0408. PRACTICAL nurse days oniy. RE 2-8322. RELIABLE Housekeeper for Protestant Widower: in city.

References, Box 156 Union Office. WILL CARE FOR A CHILD in my home $10 for 5 days. RE 2-0840. YOU wash we iron. Picked un delivered.

RE 6-8020. Situations Wanted -Male 37 A-1 Carpenter. Framing, finish, repairs remodel. Cabineta. Ceilings.

LT EXPERIMENTAL with qualification Working master Plant and factory experience. Box No 107 Union Office. EXPER. COLLECTOR salesman. Full or part time work.

Tel. RE 3-2369. HOUSECLEANING done by exp. man. Refs.

Tel. RE 4-2812. Eves. MARRIED MIN desires steady struction labor job. Call anytime.

RE 6-3703. PAINTER desires work Sat. Sun. RE 2-3675. PASTRY Baker, long experience desires employment, Rox 476 Union Offire.

TREASURER-CONTROLLER ASST. TO PRESIDENT Age 30. BRA degree, 11 yrs. Industrial including accounting. finance production reorganization office mechanization factory personnel procedures Sales cost analysis, eatab.

of overhead rates overhead control, budgets. pay-oll analysis. interested only in progressive expanding organization. Box 101 Union Office. WANTED ODD JORS.

Anything from painting to moving furniture. RE 4-5011 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 A NICK Country Inn. Facilities for serving 200. An unusual opportunity to. obtain A long established business with rooms And modern co*cktail lounge bar.

Box 2730 Union Office. A SMALL express business with two trucks and general commodities statewide rights. Box 127 Union Office. A MONEY MAKER Licensed old age home, 9 rin house plus car gar. In beautiful shape.

Income $5000 vear. Priced for quick sale 500. Easy terms. SIDNEY BARON HEAL ESTATE R.F 6-2437 ACTIVE, dry cleaning store. Park section New pressing mach.

and tailor equin. A money maker. Rox 117 Union Office. A good profitable bakery with central Real Estate RE 24314. BAKERY Route, Hasthampton and Southamp, Tel.

10291V. Call 5-7 pin. ANY BUSINESS. buying or selling. See us.

Shah Realty 1618 Main St. AN opportunity for couple. Grocery variety. Reasonable. Tel.

ST 8-0402. BEAUTY PARLOR. Forest Park. estahlished business. Excollent opportunity.

I'hone RE 9-1016. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 CHANCE FOR SMART COUPLE Licensed rooming house. 14 rms. of furniture included. Good income.

Convenient to downtown. Call I. J. Devlin, Real Estate. RE 2-8271 CAFE full liquor license Good location.

JE 3-9835, JE 2-6407. EST. restaurant for gale in Chicopee. Centrally located. JE 2-4866.

PAINT STORE Well located in downtown section. Low rent profitable. Priced at $750 I. D. L.

S. REALTY CO. 107 STATE TEL. RE 0-1256 LONG LIST or businesses offered al reasonable prices. GENTILE ASSOCIATES Tel.

ST 8-4506 Tel. RE 4-1491 MOTORSCOOTER Completely equipped for selling hot dogs, soda, ice cream, etc. Call RE 0-0561 after 5 p. m. MODERN nursing home: make offer: shown Sunday, IGOE RE 7-1324.

MEAT GROCERY STORE. Very good loc. for last 15 yrs. Sell for $1900. LY 4-9110.

MEATS groceries store and building. Write Rox 2546 Union Office. NOW IS THE TIME! A busy store, open air fruit produce. meats groceries, low rent. Can he bought right.

Paul Akerman. RE 7-1300. SUN OIL COMPANY The Sun Oil Company has an opening in its Sales Development Center for A man who desires to learn the Service Station business and ultimately operate A modern High gallonage Sunoco Service Station. It the Running of a Servira Station ig your goal- consider these facts. ITigh Test Gasoline at Regular line Price.

Supported by the Most Aggressive Advertising and Merchandising Campaign in tife Gasoline Business. No Expreience necessary- -We will pay you $73.00 per week while you are learning the business. For Interview appointment call: Miss E. Tourtelotte SUN CO. 276 HIGH.

HOLYOKE, MASA. TEL. JE 3-5656 TwO WELL established MONEY MAKING RESTAURANTS. Good equipment. Good locations.

Also A MEN'A Sports wear business In an established shopping renter. E. S. THYBERG Realtor 1239 Parker St. RE 7-1027 RF, 7-6030 UNUSUAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Experience not essential.

Good steady income. Price reasonable. Call LAUNDER- WELL LAUNDRY PALMER 1101 VAR. Store--No competition in large residential area, nets $110 wk. growing.

$4300. Teed. RE 6-4918. WALLPAPER PAINT STORE. OWN.

ER RETIRING. CALL RE 6-1706. Bus. Opportunities Wanted 38A AUCTIONEER buys stores, estates mach. closeouts.

Young, RE 4-7638, RE 2-0471. BUYER of stores, Res etc. or liquidate for you. Hy Gloth 3-1572. BUYER of stores.

merchandise, fix. H. Binsky, Auctioneer. RE 4-3753. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 AQUARIUM CENTER 909 COLUMBUS AVE.

Tropical fish, plants. tanks. Every. thing for the tropical fish hobbyist. 10-5 Gold D.

n1. fish, voung 1-9 D. m. parakeets, Tel. RE Open a dally AIREDALE pups all ages.

Sired by Jack of Prear Haven. Lawrence Gale, Bald Mt. Bernardston. AKC registered male Chihuahuas, 7 WAS, old. RE 7-0688.

AKC Beagle. Male puppy. 10 weeks old. Tel. RE 6-7941.

AKC Dachshund pups. Red. 7 wks. old. LO 2-6710.

AKC MINIATURE Poodles Silver cellent pedigrees. RE 6-5136. AKC REG. co*cker spaniels, all AgAS, some househroken. Had shots, Springer spaniels, fox terriers, beagles.

poms. collies, collie shepherds, Belgian shepherds, also crossbred puppies. Farm Kennels, 1139 Allen St. RE 7-0413 AKC co*ckER MALE. golden red, ch.

mo. Ready for leash, RE 2-7836. ROVER PUPS AKC $35 and $40 220 Sibley West Spfld. RE BEAGLE pups 5 mo. old female exCAl.

hunting dog can he seen at 70 Rurford Ave. off Main Spfid. COLLIES Tri-male pups, 4 months. Also older dogs. Reasonable Tamerlane 461 Granby Rd.

So. Hadley Falls Route COLLIE Shep pups $8 and $10. JU 3-5253. COLLIE -Nice and healthy--registered. LInden 3-3619.

co*ckER pup male, small bread. white buff. thoroughbred, pedigree papers. Reas. R12 3-6617.

CUTE COLLIE Shepherds. Wonderful pets. $10 to $12. ST 8-0717. COPPER SAND SHELTIE PUPS.

RE 9-8240 DELUXE 23 gal. aquarium light, Free fish. LY 4-0131. FOR SALE -a pedigreed wire Haired Terrier. 10 mo.

old. Cheap. RE 2-4293 GERMAN SHEPHERD pedigree puppies. T'rille RI 9-8013 eves. anytime Sat.

Sun. puppies. Louis Farm Kennels, 1135 Allen St. RE 7-4443. PUPPIES male female.

$3 PA. RE 7-5006. 793 Silver St. Agawam, Next to Lucia's lumber Yard. Before 9.30 A.

m. or all day Sun. "PARAKEET and canary seed. White parakeet grit. large and small flower seed.

dos foods and supplies." METHE INC. 368 Taylor St. Phone RE 2-1194 WANTED LITTER OF HEALTHY PUP. PIES. CALL JE 2-4333.

WANTED A GOOD HOME for part setter pupa, 6 mos. old E. Walker, ObaDin Rd. Hampden. Mass.

J0 6-3741. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 A ready market for old horses. Wilson Mink Farm, Somers. Conn. RI A 9-4984.

BROWN WHITE paint, good disposition rides drives. Guaranteed sound. Good children's horse. RE 4-8021. FOR SALE.

single horse trailer. Federal Lane. Wilbraham after 3. TENAN 3 gaited trail stock horse. Gentle, easy keeper.

Guaranteed sound. LO 7-0658. TWO combination registered Hackney Mares with long tails. One in 13-2 hands other 12-2 hands. Safe for children to use.

Daniel F. Cotter. Cotter Garage, Jewell Court, Ct. TOUNG Pinto $150. Pell.

Kibbe Grove Somers, Conn. RI 9-3582. Poultry and Supplies 49 A PAIR OF WHITE CHINESE GEESE $6. RE 9-1297 A BETTER chicken deal. Call Superman Sons.

RE 7-5183. ALL kinds of poultry wanted. Ton prices at farm. Impoco's. RE 4-6359.

TOP price paid for fowl. chickens, CApONS broilers. Lee, capeties are our specialty. Frank J. Zelazo, West Spfld.

RE 3-2310, RE 7-0327. ALL live poultry wanted. Top farm prices. Kaplan, 42 Essex St. RE 6-0885.

CHICKS! hatching every Tuesday and Friday. R. l. Reds. Black and Golden Sex linked.

Silver Cross. Red-Leghorn Cross and Mt. Ilope strain White Leghorns. Also started pullets, one to 10 wks. old McKinstry Farms, 135 MoKinatry Ohicopee, Tel.

LYcaum MERCHANDISE Articles for Salo 51 AT THE CUTRATE HARDWARE Paint $1 gal. with purchase of A. gal. At regular price $2.98 A gal. Wallpaper 10 rolls $1.09.

Jame Ibs. 98c. 5 Ibs. CrASS aped $1.98. W'e rent just about everything.

Trader Ed payA cash for anything of 411 St. James Ave, RE 2-0831. ACETYLENE-OXTGEN welding equipment. New for AS low A $10 down And $10 per month. Jaeger Welding Supply.

2040 Columbus Ave. RE -7403 ATTENTION Fishermen: name brand fly, spinning boat and casting rods, reels, sleeping bags, etc. at terrific savings. BREADY'S HOUSE OF AUCTIONS. 2057 Boston Rd.

No. Wilbraham, miles beyond Belli'a going D. ml. except Saturday a 'till 6. towards Palmer.

Open m. to 9 BACK NUMBER magazines used books. Stan's, 162 Hanco*ck St. EOYS 26 in. English hike, 2 wardrobes.

2 living chairs RE 7-4128. CLOTHES poles T-shaned. $1.50 pr. Cave Welding. 380 Ray St.

RE COPPER tank 30 gal. with safety vAliD fittings. RE 2-0013. Or 1089 OU'STOM State made St. RE bookcases.

3-4375, cor. RE cab. 9-0063. etc. CEDAR FARM.

POSTS, clothes posts, tobacco poles, all sizes And lengths. Rustic rail fencing. At farm or delivered. Order early, li. mon.

Rt. 10. Bernardston, Tel. MI 8-3171. I.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.