Is Figueroa Street In Los Angeles Dangerous? Examining Safety Concerns - Eye And Pen (2024)

Figueroa Street is one of the major north-south thoroughfares running through Los Angeles. This vital transportation corridor also passes through neighborhoods with varying income levels and demographics. Given its diverse character, does Figueroa Street present safety issues for residents, commuters, and visitors?

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: Parts of Figueroa Street have higher crime rates than others, but the safety risks depend on the specific location and time of day.

Overview of Figueroa Street

Figueroa Street is a major thoroughfare in Los Angeles, California, known for its vibrant atmosphere and diverse attractions. Spanning a distance of approximately 25.00 miles, it cuts through the heart of the city, offering a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of this bustling metropolis.

Length and Location

Stretching from the southernmost tip of Los Angeles County to Downtown LA, Figueroa Street covers a significant portion of the city’s landscape. It begins at the intersection of Harry Bridges Boulevard in the San Pedro area and extends northward, passing through various neighborhoods such as Wilmington, Carson, Harbor Gateway, and South Park.

This iconic street also serves as a critical transportation route, connecting several major freeways, including the I-110 and I-5. Its central location makes it easily accessible for residents and visitors alike.

Points of Interest

Figueroa Street boasts an impressive array of attractions and landmarks that cater to a wide range of interests. From sports enthusiasts to art lovers, there is something for everyone along this vibrant corridor.

One of the notable landmarks on Figueroa Street is the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, an iconic sports venue that has hosted numerous historic events, including the Olympics and Super Bowl games. Its rich history and architectural grandeur make it a must-visit destination for sports fans.

Art enthusiasts can explore the Figueroa Corridor, which is home to several renowned art institutions, including the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Grammy Museum. These cultural hubs offer a diverse range of exhibits, performances, and educational programs that showcase the creativity and talent of local and international artists.

For those seeking entertainment, Figueroa Street is lined with vibrant entertainment venues, including the Staples Center, home to the Los Angeles Lakers and Clippers basketball teams, as well as the LA Live complex, which offers a myriad of dining, shopping, and nightlife options.

Additionally, Figueroa Street is a popular destination for food lovers, with a plethora of restaurants, cafes, and food trucks dotting its path. From traditional Mexican cuisine to international flavors, the street offers a culinary adventure that will satisfy even the most discerning palates.

Demographic Patterns Along Figueroa

Figueroa Street in Los Angeles is a bustling thoroughfare that cuts through various neighborhoods, each with its own unique demographic makeup. Understanding these demographic patterns can provide valuable insights into the safety concerns along this iconic street.

Wealthy Neighborhoods

One notable demographic pattern along Figueroa Street is the presence of wealthy neighborhoods. Areas such as Downtown Los Angeles, South Park, and South Figueroa Corridor are home to affluent residents who enjoy the convenience and amenities offered by living in close proximity to Figueroa Street.

These neighborhoods often boast well-maintained streets, upscale establishments, and a higher level of security measures, contributing to a generally safer atmosphere.

According to an article by the Los Angeles Times, the median household income in Downtown Los Angeles is significantly higher than the citywide median. This economic advantage allows these neighborhoods to invest in additional security measures, such as private security patrols and surveillance cameras, further enhancing safety along Figueroa Street.

Low-Income Areas

On the other hand, Figueroa Street also runs through low-income areas, where safety concerns may be more prevalent. Neighborhoods like South Los Angeles and Exposition Park have a higher concentration of low-income residents, who may face challenges related to poverty, crime, and limited access to resources.

It is important to note that safety concerns in these areas are not solely a result of the residents themselves, but rather a reflection of the systemic issues that contribute to crime rates in economically disadvantaged communities.

Efforts to address safety concerns along Figueroa Street should focus on addressing the root causes of crime and providing support for these communities.

Evidence shows that crime rates tend to be higher in low-income areas compared to more affluent neighborhoods. However, it is essential to approach this data with caution, as it does not necessarily mean that Figueroa Street itself is inherently dangerous.

Rather, it highlights the need for comprehensive community development initiatives that address the underlying socio-economic factors affecting these neighborhoods.

Crime Statistics and Safety Analysis

Violent Crime Rates

When examining the safety concerns on Figueroa Street in Los Angeles, it is essential to look at the crime statistics. According to the Los Angeles Police Department, the overall crime rate on Figueroa Street has decreased in recent years.

This includes a decline in violent crimes such as assault, robbery, and homicide. While it is important to acknowledge that crime can occur in any area, the statistics suggest that Figueroa Street is becoming safer.

It is worth noting that crime rates can vary in different sections of Figueroa Street. For example, the northern portion near downtown Los Angeles may have different crime rates compared to the southern part near the University of Southern California.

It is recommended to consult specific crime statistics for the exact location you are concerned about.

Safety Precautions

Despite the decreasing crime rates, it is always important to take necessary safety precautions when walking or driving along Figueroa Street. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Stay alert and attentive to what is happening around you at all times.
  • Travel in groups: Whenever possible, travel with others, especially during late hours.
  • Use well-lit areas: Stick to well-lit streets and avoid dark, secluded areas.
  • Secure your belongings: Keep your valuables out of sight and ensure your vehicle is locked.
  • Report any suspicious activity: If you witness any suspicious behavior or feel unsafe, report it to the local authorities.

By following these safety precautions, you can further enhance your personal safety while on Figueroa Street.

Ongoing Redevelopment Efforts

As part of ongoing efforts to improve safety and enhance the overall experience for residents and visitors, numerous redevelopment projects have been implemented along Figueroa Street in Los Angeles. These projects aim to address safety concerns and create a more vibrant and pedestrian-friendly environment.

Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project

The Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project is one of the major initiatives undertaken to transform Figueroa Street. This project focuses on enhancing the streetscape by improving sidewalks, adding more green spaces, installing better lighting, and implementing traffic calming measures.

The goal is to create a more inviting and safe environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers alike. The project has already made significant progress, with several sections of Figueroa Street already benefiting from the improvements.

The Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project has received praise from the community and urban planning experts for its innovative approach to urban redevelopment. By prioritizing pedestrian safety and creating a more attractive streetscape, this project has the potential to not only address safety concerns but also revitalize the surrounding areas and attract more businesses and visitors.

New Metro Line

Another significant development that contributes to the ongoing efforts to improve safety along Figueroa Street is the introduction of the new Metro line. The Metro line provides an alternative mode of transportation, reducing the reliance on cars and easing traffic congestion.

This not only improves safety by reducing the number of vehicles on the road but also offers a convenient and sustainable option for commuters and visitors.

The new Metro line connects various neighborhoods in Los Angeles, including those along Figueroa Street, to key destinations, such as downtown, entertainment venues, and educational institutions. This accessibility not only enhances the overall experience for residents but also encourages people to explore the area on foot, further improving safety and creating a more vibrant community.

These ongoing redevelopment efforts, including the Figueroa Corridor Streetscape Project and the new Metro line, demonstrate the city’s commitment to addressing safety concerns along Figueroa Street. By improving infrastructure, enhancing the streetscape, and providing alternative transportation options, these projects contribute to creating a safer and more enjoyable environment for everyone.


While parts of Figueroa Street are quite safe, sections going through less affluent areas see more criminal activity. However, redevelopment initiatives aim to revitalize the corridor and make it more secure for all who travel along this vital Los Angeles thoroughfare.

Is Figueroa Street In Los Angeles Dangerous? Examining Safety Concerns - Eye And Pen (2024)


Is Figueroa Street Los Angeles dangerous for tourists? ›

and Figueroa St. in South Los Angeles had the third-highest number of pedestrian collisions in the city between 2015 and 2019, with a total of 40 incidents. This intersection is located near several shopping centers and public transportation hubs, making it a busy and high-traffic area.

What is Figueroa Street in Los Angeles known for? ›

Until 1977, the Guinness Book of Records deemed Figueroa to be the longest street in the world.

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Yes, Los Angeles is safe for tourists.

Of course, like any popular destination, visitors are encouraged to remain vigilant for pickpockets in crowded areas, but overall it's very easy to stay safe in L.A.

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Figueroa Street, also known as "The Blade," has a bit of a... checkered past. Used as a slang term for areas with a high concentration of prostitution, this Blade is a harsh reality rather than a luxurious escape.

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A: Areas in Los Angeles near Santa Monica, West Hollywood, and UCLA are usually considered safe.

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The safest neighborhood in Los Angeles is Bel Air. It's also one of Los Angeles' most recognizable neighborhoods. According to FBI crime statistics released in 2023, Bel Air's overall crime rate is 65% lower than other neighborhoods in the city.

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Red Light District, 734 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA - MapQuest.

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Los Angeles metropolitan area

Malibu, Hidden Hills, Manhattan Beach, Agua Dulce, Calabasas and Agoura Hills have the highest percentage of whites in Los Angeles County. Whites in the Los Angeles area are also concentrated in Hollywood Hills, Bel Air and North San Gabriel Valley.

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Hollywood Boulevard stretches for 15 blocks, home to the Hollywood Walk of Fame with nearly 2,700 personalities each immortalized in a sidewalk star.

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Avoid unsafe areas at night such as Venice Beach, (It's OK in the daylight, but much more sketchy at night), South Central LA, Westlake, Boyle Heights, Pico Union, Marina Del Rey, and Culver City. Know where you are going – have a clear sense of where you are headed and how to get there.

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Los Angeles crime and places to avoid

Tourists should do their best to avoid Skid Row, an area of Downtown Los Angeles about four square miles across, positioned where Downtown meets Little Toyko and the Arts District.

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The famous tourist destination is marred by homelessness and filthy streets and has become an area where many locals say they don't feel safe. Evie Pasi Rosca, who works at a gift shop along the Walk of Fame, said theft is a serious problem in the store. “Every day they try to steal stuff …

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Its reputation automatically follows its name as one mentions it. That road in question is the infamous Figueroa Street. This street is also what I refer to as the “Hunts Point of South Central”; as with Hunts Point, Figueroa (more commonly known to us locals as “Fig” for short) is rife with prostitution.

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The Hollywood Walk of Fame is a landmark which consists of 2,777 five-pointed terrazzo-and-brass stars embedded in the sidewalks along 15 blocks of Hollywood Boulevard and three blocks of Vine Street in Hollywood, California.

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Track (a/k/a Stroll or Blade): An area of town known for prostitution activity. This can be the area around a group of strip clubs and p*rnography stores, or a particular stretch of street.

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Skid Row contains one of the largest stable populations of homeless people in the United States, estimated at over 4,400, and has been known for its condensed homeless population since at least the 1930s.

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Mulholland Drive is a long, winding stretch of road through the Santa Monica mountains that is famous for its breathtaking views of the city and its history of famous residents.

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Olvera Street, known as “the birthplace of Los Angeles,” is a Mexican Marketplace that recreates a romantic “Old Los Angeles” with a block-long narrow, tree-shaded, brick-lined market with old structures, painted stalls, street vendors, cafes, restaurants and gift shops.

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If Hollywood is where the actors live, then Silver Lake is the domain of the screenwriters and set designers. Creative types, as a tribe, tend to gravitate here, giving the neighborhood hipster vibes in the best possible way. Silver Lake is also one of the more walkable Los Angeles enclaves.


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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